Здравствуй,моя любимая подруга(ее имя).Со вчерашнего дня у меня появилось новое занятие.Мне кажется,что оно стало меня интересовать больше предыдущего.А именно этот спорт называется воллейбол.Он более подвижный,веселый и командный.Я счастлива,что выбрала именно этот спорт.И хотела тебя пригласить на наши соревнования,которые будут на следующей неделе в пятницу в 16:00.ты придешь ?
Hello,my dear friend.Yesterday I had a new occupation.It seems to me that it began to interest me more than the previous.And it is this sport called volleyball.It is more agile,fun and friendly.I am happy that I chose this sport.And wanted to invite you to our competitions which will be held next week on Friday at 16:00.will you come ?
(адрес справа в верхнем углу) 46 Riverview Park New York 542210USA 15th March, 2016
Dear John, How are you? Everything is fine with me I haven't written for a while but I've been realy busy! Are you preparing for Christmas? Have you already bought gifts for your family? What about me I recently went shopping. It takes me a lot of time. I bought a T-shirt for my brother and a vase for my mother because her last vase was broken by cat. I have no idea what can I to present to my father. A seller advised to buy a cap, but I not sure about it. Also I bought smth to you. If you haven't bought presents and don't know what to buy we'll go shopping together. Take care of yourself. Best wishes, Nick.
1 team
2 match
3 competition
4 instructor
5 season
6 tournament