I had an appointment with my friends at the movie theater tonight. It was a long walk, so I decided to call a taxi. There was a suspicious driver waiting for me inside it, but I couldn't imagine where I would end up with him. He abruptly veered off the route and turned into a dark alley. When he stopped, he threatened me with a knife and demanded all the valuables I had with me. I miraculously managed to run out of the taxi and save my life. I memorized the numbers of this taxi and went straight to the police. A week later, they call me and tell me that the criminal has been found and will be sent to prison. Since then I've stopped taking taxis and not going out alone at night
Топор - инструмент с каменным наконечном и деревянной ручкой.
Мотыга - палка с сучком, при которой вскапывали землю.
Серп- ручное орудие для срезывания хлебных злаков с корня.
Зернотерка - растирание зерна на плоских камнях.
Прядение - скручивание нитей из шерсти домашних животных или из волокон льна.
Ткачество-производство тканей
Циновка - коврик, сплетенный из сломы, травы или древесного лыка.
Духи - сверхъестественное существо, наделённое волей,
воспринимать предметы и различными сверхъестественными и возможностями, при этом само остающееся почти всегда недоступным для восприятия.
Боги - самый могущественный дух.
Старейшина - самый опытный и мудрый из стариков, знавших повадки животных и свойства растений, древние предания и правила поведения.
Совет старейшин - орган управления племени, состоящий из группы старейшин.Несколько родовых общин, живущих в одной местности, составляли племя.
Племя- объединение людей, связанных родовыми отношениями, общим языком и территорией.
Идол - изображения богов и духов.
Молитва к богам.
Жертва- приносимый в дар божеству предмет или живое существо.
Религиозный обряд - средство воздействия на сверхъестественные силы.
I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Of course it’s too early for me. You can say “Why? ” I’ll answer: «I like to sleep so much, and I usually go to bed very late. So at 7 o’clock I feel myself sleepy. For that reason I drink a cup of strong coffee to wake up more quickly. After a cup of coffee I usually take a shower. Fresh shower braces up. Then I get dressed. I open my wardrobe and choose what I want to wear today. It’s high time, I’m in a hurry. But I try to have a snack (sandwiches, eggs, porridge and so on). I need to be at school (university) at 8.30. I get away and go to the bus stop. I usually go to school (university) by bus. (I go to school (university) on foot.)
So I’m at school (university). I usually have 6 lessons (4 classes). I like to study, but sometimes it is boring. I’m rather a creative person, but I can’t express my personality at school (university). For that reason I visit additional courses and activities. Three times a week I go to the Music School. I like to listen to music. At school (university) I usually have a dinner. I go to our schhol (university) canteen. It’s rather tasty food in it.
At 5-6 o’clock I like to play with my friends. We usually go for a walk. We like different parks. Sometimes we watch films, play computer games and discuss the latest news.
In the evening I usually do my homework. Sometimes I do homework till the late night. And then I go to bed. But some days I try to have a rest before my sleep.
And undoubtedly, I’m looking for a wekend. Weekend is a marvelous time for all pupils and students. It is a time for a good rest. I try to relax in full force and effect.