Я представлюя свой идеальный дом так: я хотела бы чтоб он был двух этажей, что бы в нём было: 2 ванных комнаты, 5 спален, одна большая гостинная и большая кухня вместе со столовой. Ну а самое главное что бы в доме была большая дружная любящая семья!
I imagine your ideal home so I would like that he was two floors that have been there 2 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, a large living room and a large kitchen with dining area. But the most important thing that would be in the house has a big happy loving family!
My ideal house is a house by the sea with ulichnym sea views and large Windows the home is in the dawn of the fireplace and a large TV on this TV family watching movies cartoons, TV shows, etc. In this house 3 etozh and stairs twist such a large pool bath house, gym a large double bed is the most important thing well, all this is my house.
+ значит правильно (на мой взгляд) 1) + 2) Is Auatralia called the unknown southern land? 3) Between what oceans is Australian continent located? 4) + 5) What is the largest river in Australia? 6) Is The Darling a tributary of the Murrey river? 7) + 8) What kind of animals do live in Australia? 9) Where does a koala live? 10) Australian english differents from the others, doen't it? 11) перед capital должно быть the - столица у Автралии одна, артикль должен быть определённым. 12) What are the most known cities in Australia?
+ значит правильно (на мой взгляд) 1) + 2) Is Auatralia called the unknown southern land? 3) Between what oceans is Australian continent located? 4) + 5) What is the largest river in Australia? 6) Is The Darling a tributary of the Murrey river? 7) + 8) What kind of animals do live in Australia? 9) Where does a koala live? 10) Australian english differents from the others, doen't it? 11) перед capital должно быть the - столица у Автралии одна, артикль должен быть определённым. 12) What are the most known cities in Australia?
I imagine your ideal home so I would like that he was two floors that have been there 2 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, a large living room and a large kitchen with dining area. But the most important thing that would be in the house has a big happy loving family!