there are people of different categories: someone sits in front of the computer day and night, communicating with someone, downloading something, in general, "lives" in the internet; for someone the computer and the internet serve only for work; and someone sits and simply communicates with thousand people. sitting down at the computer, the person plunges into the virtual world world of unreal opportunities. certainly, communicating staying at home, or, being in different regions people can see each other via cameras. it means that everything changes, appears something new, something is improved. but even if people also can see each other at distance is can't replace live communication. communication between people is the most remarkable that is given us in this life. here present that the whole world ceased to communicate in reality: grandmothers ceased to sit on shops and mastered the computer, streets became empty and the whole world plunged into virtual life where it is possible to communicate being online day and night. after all now there are so-called virtual shops where as it is possible to get everything and it isn't necessary to go anywhere! sitting in such atmosphere, it seems to me, the person will be bothered by such life. it will want to it something real: to see a smile native and friends, to walk in favourite places of the city, and to find new acquaintances in real life. after all the internet can't replace all, so and live communication too! so, as we found out, the internet doesn't bring any benefit for the person, so and can't replace live communication!
Present Simple
1) I do my homework .
My homework is done by me .
2) My sister buys some bread
Some bread is bought by my sister.
3) I open the window.
The window is opened by me.
Present Continuous
1) I am doing my homework .
My homework is being done by me.
2) My sister is buying some bread .
Some bread is being bought by my sister.
3) I am opening the window.
The window is being opened by me.
Present Perfect
1) I have done my homework.
My homework has been done by me
2) My sister has bought some bread.
Some bread has been bought by my sister .
3) I have opened the window.
The window has been opened by me.
Past Simple
1) I did my homework.
My homework was done by me.
2) My sister bought some bread.
Some bread was bought by my sister.
3) I opened the window.
The window was opened by me.
Past Continuous
1) I was doing my homework when my parents came.
My homework was being done by me when my parents came.
2) My sister was buying some bread when I saw her.
Some bread was being bought by my sister when I saw her.
3) I was opening the window when you phoned.
The window was being opened by me when you phoned.
Past Perfect
1) I had done my homework when my parents came.
My homework had been done by me when my parents came.
2) My sister had bought some bread when I saw her.
Some bread had been bought by my sister when I saw her.
3) I had opened the window when you phoned.
The window had been opened by me when you phoned.
Future Simple
1) I will do my homework.
My homework will be done by me.
2) My sister will buy some bread.
Some bread will be bought by my sister.
3) I will open the window.
The window will be opened by me.
2is my granny feeding her cat now
3am i not doing the washing up now
4are andy and molly cooking now