Everyone likes dreaming. Dream is a hope for better things. It helps us to overcome the difficulties of our daily routine. A dream depends on people, on their education, nationality, character and other things. People imagine they have a lot of money, own family, an expensive car. Other people imagine themselves to be presidents of different countries or whole planets, etc.
I'd like to tell you about the house of my dream. I'd like to have my own house on the bank of a beautiful river with crystal water, surrounded by high mountains, covered with green forest of evergreen trees.
I would live there with my wife and two children. I imagine my house to be a 2 storeyed building. Near the front side it has a facade with columns and steps up to the front door. There are also two balconies and a terrace in my house. The windows are in the shape of arches. Through them you can see a wonderful landscape. There are lots of fir trees and flowers around the house. And you can walk in the shade of these trees listening to the birds singing.
As you come through the front door, you find yourself in a large hall with an open fireplace. One of the doors leads to the living room. This room faces the south, so it's very sunny and has a lovely view of the whole valley. In the middle of this room there's a thick Persian carpet.
There are few units of furniture in this room. On the left there's a leather sofa and small table nearby, on the right you can see home cinema and satellite receiver. There are two armchairs in the corner of this room. In the living room we spend our evenings chatting with each other, children play with a kitten.
Then a wide staircase takes you to the first floor where there are four bedrooms. My children's rooms are really vast. The wallpapers are very colourful in bright shapes. Also there are lots of toys to play with.
In the basement there is a big garage for our cars. We have got two cars: one for me and one for my wife.
Behind the house there is a swimming bath, covered with glass. There are some plastic armchairs around the swimming bath. Our house looks peaceful and calm and the calmest room is my study. Next door to the study there is our library. It is a huge room with thousands books on history, astronomy, physics, science fictions, fantasy, poetry, etc. Someone might think that it is an antagonism, because everything we want to read we can receive via Internet, but I like real books, to handle them in my hands, to read them page by page. As for my children, they prefer associating with their friends.
We have many different electrical appliances in our house. They make our life more comfortable. Also we have some robots to help us. They look after the house, grow vegetables in our garden and involved in cooking. So, we enjoy having greens and fresh vegetables on our dinner table during long winters. Our house is a beautiful place at any time of the year. In winter it's warm and cozy, in summer there is so much to do outside.
КАНАДА - Смазывание носа маслом или маргарином. Смазанный нос делает именинника слишком скользким для для того, чтоб неудача к нему прицепилась. АНГЛИЯ - Торты-предсказатели и удары. Если именинник находит в своем куске торта монету, он или она будет богатым. Кроме того, его или ее друзья делают "подбрасывания"- они поднимают его или ее в воздух, держа за его или ее руки и ноги и и качают его вверх в воздух и вниз к полу, по одному на каждый год, и еще один раз на удачу, второй раз на удачу и третий для кокоса(не могу точно перевести, что это выражение значит). ИРЛАНДИЯ - Именинные удары. Именинник поднимается верх ногами и бросается на пол для удачи. Число бросков равно возрасту ребенка плюс один для дополнительной удачи. ШОТЛАНДИЯ - Фунт и легкий шлепок. Фунт дается по количеству прожитых лет, плюс дополнительный фунт на удачу. Также за каждый год ребенок получает легкий удар по попе. НОВАЯ ЗЕЛАНДИЯ - Именинные хлопки. После того, как именинном торте горят свечи и песня "С Днем Рождения" спета громко и часто фальшиво, после этого именинник получает хлопок за каждый год его жизни, а затем еще один на удачу. США - торт, свечи и песни. Свечей ставятся на торт столько , сколько лет человек прожил. Потом все поют "С Днем Рождения", и в конце песни именинник задувает свечи. Если он или она задует их все свечи одним за один раз, его или ее желание, загаданное в день рождение, сбудется.
I like different kinds of sport and games but most of all I love to ride a bike. Millions of people say they participate in bike riding at least six times during the year. Bike riding is the sixth most popular recreational activity for many people after exercise in walking, swimming, working out with weightlifting, bowling, and camping. In my opinion it's great to ride a bike, especially with friends. I really like to go up a high mountain and then to fly down from it. I feel like a flying bird at those moments. Usually I ride in the summer, when it is warm outside and it does not rain. My friends ride with me, because the more people, the merrier. We ride along forest paths to the nearest river or to the lake. We swim and play football or volleyball there and then return home. When I ride my muscles become stronger. I'm sure riding a bike is a useful and a pleasant hobby and sport. Я люблю различные виды спорта и разные спортивные игры, но больше всего я люблю ездить на велосипеде. Миллионы людей говорят, что они участвуют в езде на велосипеде по крайней мере шесть раз в течение года. Езда на велосипеде является шестым самым популярным рекреационным мероприятием для многих людей после прогулок, плавания, занятий с подъёмом тяжестей, боулинга и кемпинга.На мой взгляд, это здорово, ездить на велосипеде, особенно с друзьями. Мне очень нравится подниматься на высокую гору, а потом спускаться с нее. В такие моменты я чувствую себя летящей птицей. Обычно я катаюсь летом, когда на улице тепло и не идет дождь. Мои друзья едут со мной, потому что, чем больше людей, тем веселее. Едем по лесным тропинкам к ближайшей реке или к озеру. Мы плаваем и играем в футбол или волейбол там и потом возвращаемся домой. Когда я езжу, мои мышцы становятся сильнее. Я уверен, что езда на велосипеде-полезное и приятное хобби и спорт.
I'd like to tell you about the house of my dream. I'd like to have my own house on the bank of a beautiful river with crystal water, surrounded by high mountains, covered with green forest of evergreen trees.
I would live there with my wife and two children. I imagine my house to be a 2 storeyed building. Near the front side it has a facade with columns and steps up to the front door. There are also two balconies and a terrace in my house. The windows are in the shape of arches. Through them you can see a wonderful landscape. There are lots of fir trees and flowers around the house. And you can walk in the shade of these trees listening to the birds singing.
As you come through the front door, you find yourself in a large hall with an open fireplace. One of the doors leads to the living room. This room faces the south, so it's very sunny and has a lovely view of the whole valley. In the middle of this room there's a thick Persian carpet.
There are few units of furniture in this room. On the left there's a leather sofa and small table nearby, on the right you can see home cinema and satellite receiver. There are two armchairs in the corner of this room. In the living room we spend our evenings chatting with each other, children play with a kitten.
Then a wide staircase takes you to the first floor where there are four bedrooms. My children's rooms are really vast. The wallpapers are very colourful in bright shapes. Also there are lots of toys to play with.
In the basement there is a big garage for our cars. We have got two cars: one for me and one for my wife.
Behind the house there is a swimming bath, covered with glass. There are some plastic armchairs around the swimming bath. Our house looks peaceful and calm and the calmest room is my study. Next door to the study there is our library. It is a huge room with thousands books on history, astronomy, physics, science fictions, fantasy, poetry, etc. Someone might think that it is an antagonism, because everything we want to read we can receive via Internet, but I like real books, to handle them in my hands, to read them page by page. As for my children, they prefer associating with their friends.
We have many different electrical appliances in our house. They make our life more comfortable. Also we have some robots to help us. They look after the house, grow vegetables in our garden and involved in cooking. So, we enjoy having greens and fresh vegetables on our dinner table during long winters. Our house is a beautiful place at any time of the year. In winter it's warm and cozy, in summer there is so much to do outside.