1 I saw a few men playing dominoes in the park.- Я видел нескольких мужчин, играющих в домино в парке.
2 My grandfather taught me to play backgammon when I was eight. - Мой дедушка научил меня играть в нарды, когда мне было восемь лет.
3 Nowadays you can hardly find children playing marbles. - В наше время вряд ли можно найти детей, играющих в шарики.
4 A few months ago my friend and I joined our school chess club. - Несколько месяцев назад мы с другом вступили в наш школьный шахматный клуб.
5 Scrabble is a great game that increases our vocabulary. - Scrabble - отличная игра, которая расширяет наш словарный запас.
6 My father is good at playing darts. - Мой отец хорошо играет в дартс.
7 They had a game of billiards and went to have dinner. - Они поиграли в бильярд и пошли ужинать.
8 I got frustrated when I couldn't find the last piece of my jigsaw puzzle. - Я расстроился, когда не смог найти последний кусочек мозаики.
1. I think it's because a pet can be a good friend.
2. The most popular pets in Russia are cats, dogs, and hamsters .
3. I think all pets are useful because they make us happy.
4. Cats are not always friendly, they have different characters and they can be in different moods. They can scratch, sometimes they can bite.
5. It is difficult to keep a dog because it is difficult to care for. It needs walks outside , training.
6. Cats and hamsters are easy to keep at home, because they love to be alone, they eat little.
7. It's funny to look animals when they play with each other.
8. Dogs are good companions, they love people.
9. I keep cats and rats at home.
10. I look for my animals with my parents.
11. I love my pets and I love spending time with them because they love me back.