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29.08.2021 19:47 •  Английский язык

When i (hear) his knock i (go) to the door and (open) it, but i (not recognize) him at first because i (not wear) my glasses. 14. when i came in they (sit) round the fire, mr. smith (do) a crossword puzzle, the others (read). mrs. smith (smile) at me and (say), "come and sit down." 15. i (see) you yesterday from the bus. why you (use) a stick? — i (use) a stick because i (hurt) my leg that morning. 16. the children (come) to the party at 4 o'clock yesterday; but before that mr. and mrs. green (decorate) the room, mrs. green (bake) cakes, and mr. green (buy) a small present for every little guest. 17. as they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. tom (turn) round and (hold) up his hand. the car (stop). 18. when i (arrive) at the station mary (wait) for me. she (wear) a blue dress and {look) very pretty. 19. when i (see) him he (paint) a portrait of his wife. 20. while he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. 21. when i last (see) her she (hurry) along the' road to the station. i (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), "london", but i don't think she (tell) the truth because there (not be) any train for london at that time, 22. the men (say) that they (work) on the road outside my house and that they (want) some water to make tea. 23. richard (get) a new exercise-book yesterday because hr (fill) his old one. 24. ann said that she (be) on holiday. i (say) that i (hope) that she (enjoy) herself. 25. when i (look) through your books i (notice) that you have a copy of "night work". 26. she said that she (not like) her present fiat and ^(try) to find another. 27. when margaret (finish) her homework she (turn) on the radio.

13. When I (heard) his knock I (went) to the door and (opened) it, but I (did not recognize) him at first because I (was not wearing) my glasses. 14. When I came in they were (sitting) round the fire, Mr. Smith (was doing) a crossword puzzle, the others (were reading). Mrs. Smith (smiled) at me and (said), "Come and sit down." 15. I (saw) you yesterday from the bus. Why were you (using) a stick? — I (was using) a stick because I (had hurt) my leg that morning. 16. The children (came) to the party at 4 o'clock yesterday; but before that Mr. and Mrs. Green (had decorated) the room, Mrs. Green (had baked) cakes, and Mr. Green (had bought) a small present for every little guest. 17. As they (were walking) along the road they (heard) a car coming from behind them. Tom (turned) round and (held) up his hand. The car (stopped). 18. When I (arrived) at the station Mary (was waiting) for me. She (was wearing) a blue dress and {looked) very pretty. 19. When I (saw) him he (was painting) a portrait of his wife. 20. While he (was watering) the flowers it (began) to rain. 21. When I last (saw) her she (was hurrying) along the road to the station. I (asked) her where she was (going) and she (said), "London", but I don't think she (told) the truth because there was (not ) any train for London at that time, 22. The men (said) that they (were working) on the road outside my house and that they (wanted) some water to make tea. 23. Richard (got) a new exercise-book yesterday because he (had filled) his old one. 24. Ann said that she (was) on holiday. I (said) that I (hoped) that she (would enjoy) herself. 25. When I (looked) through your books I (noticed) that you had a copy of "Night work". 26. She said that she (did not like) her present fiat and (was trying) to find another. 27. When Margaret (finished) her homework she (turned) on the radio.
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1. I think the heavy traffic in the city centre is a problem because the city centre area becomes congested with cars that pump harmful toxins into the air causing serious health problems for people living in the area.

2. To encourage people to leave their cars at home, the government should make public transport free of charge for all people or at the very least reduce transportation fees as much as possible.

3. If I can afford it, I would buy a car because having a car is the fastest and the most comfortable way to get to work and also it would make it much easier for me to move things from one place to another without having to call a taxi.


4,8(28 оценок)

Укр:1) Кто любит Питера?

2) Кого любить Сем?

3) Кто сделал эту домашнюю работу?

4) З кем ти зробив цю домашню роботу?

5) Кто готовит вам ужин?

6) Кому ви приготовите обед?

7) Кто ездил в Італії в минулому році?

8) С кем ты поедешь в Италию?

9) Где ты родился?

10) Кто завтра снідає з тобою в школу?

2) Ставте запитання та дайте короткі відповіді (задайте питання до підлежачого та дайте кратким відповіді).

Сара говорить англійською.

Марк грає на скрипці.

Мої бабуся і дідусь були в Ріо.

Я закінчив вправи.

Вони прийдуть до школи наступного тижня.

Вчора він розбив її улюблену чашку.

Танцювальне шоу вже закінчилося.

Роберт танцював, коли я прийшов.

Мій брат буде готуватися до іспитів завтра з 2 до 6.

Їхні друзі післязавтра прибудуть до Нової Зеландії до 19 години.

3. Виправте помилки (Исправьте ошибки).

Хто любить готувати?

Хто був у цій кімнаті?

Що змушує вас так думати?

Хто дивився виставу минулого тижня?

Що потребує чищення?

Хто написав цю статтю?

Хто прийшов на свято?

Хто це зробив?

Хто піклуватиметься про його здоров’я?

З ким я їжу?

Рус:1) Кто любит Питера?

2) Кого любит Сэм?

3) Кто сделал эту домашнюю работу?

4) С кем ты сделал эту домашнюю работу?

5) Кто готовит вам ужин?

6) Кому вы приготовите обед?

7) Кто ездил в Италию в году?

8) С кем ты поедешь в Италию?

9) Где ты родился?

10) Кто завтра пойдет с тобой в школу?

2) Задавайте вопросы и дайте краткие ответы.

Сара говорит по-английски.

Марк играет на скрипке.

Мои бабушка и дедушка были в Рио.

Я закончил упражнения.

Они придут в школу на следующей неделе.

Вчера он разбил ее любимую чашку.

Танцевальное шоу уже закончилось.

Когда я пришла, Роберт танцевал.

Мой брат будет готовиться к экзаменам завтра с 2 до 6.

Их друзья приедут в Новую Зеландию послезавтра к 19:00.

3. Исправьте ошибки (Исправьте ошибки).

Кто любит готовить?

Кто был в той комнате?

Что заставляет вас так думать?

Кто смотрел спектакль на неделе?

Что нужно чистить?

Кто пишет эту статью?

Кто пришел на вечеринку?

Кто это сделал?

Кому будет небезразлично его здоровье?

С кем я ем?

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