Может так .
Any ideal job is destination and self-realization of man. This work implements his ability, satisfies the requirements, fulfills a wish and meets the rhythm of life.
An ideal job just fits into the personal characteristics of a person. It enables a person to be in place and do the job.
Nowadays, most people choose for a more profitable job, ignoring their interests. In pursuit of money people do an uninteresting and unfavourite job, of course, its quality suffers. It should not be so. Work should not be a routine.
If you do what you like, you will be successful.
This is the job of my dream.
It leaves enough time for family, recreation, self-development and is paid adequately. This job is with the change of activity: with a certain balance of mental and physical activity, favorable to health and the environment. It stores, enhances and promotes spiritual, personal and professional growth. An ideal job allows me to communicate with people and brings social benefits. It is reliable, constant and brings the pleasure of the process and the outcome.
My ideal work is the work which gives a pleasure.
Everyone has his own world. My world consists of my family, my friends, my school, my hobbies. Every part of my world means much to me.
The family is one of the main parts of my world. I believe my parents always will support me. I like spending time with my family. We watch films, have a talk, celebrate holidays together.
Friends are a joy of my life. Every day they give me a good mood. I like to walk with them, to spend my spare time. I think my best friend will always help me in hard times. I always have fun and good mood with her. Her name is Tanya.
I havenot many interests. I liketo watch filmes, listen to music and I am fond of psychology. I am interested in psychology when I had watched the film "Lie to me". I very like the book "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling very much. All the seven books I had read during two weeks. Also, I like listening to music. My favourite groupes are: Lumen, Korol and Shut(The King and Joker), Kino(Cinema), Agatha Christie and others.
I like to go to school. I guess my life would be worse and not such interesting if I did not study at school. At school I learn many new things, I meet my friends. My favourite subject is biology. I want to connect my future profession with this science. I love my world.
Мой любимый вид спорта-это фигурное катание.Я люблю этот вид спорта с детства.Я люблю танцевать, возможно, поэтому оно мне нравится.Фигурное катание-это очень сложный вид спорта.Люди учатся этому спорту в течении пятнадцати лет, затем точно выходят на большой каток.Фигурное катание требует больших затрат времени,время от человека.Человек должен делать это каждый день в течении нескольких часов.Этот вид спорта требует и материальных затрат, чтобы заниматься спортом нужно нанимать тренера за определённую сумму денег.Занимаясь этим видом спорта,рискуете своим здоровьем.Есть случаи,когда люди остаются инвалидами нам всю жизнь.Из русских фигуристов мне больше всего нравится Ирина Слуцкая.Для меня это самая достойная фигуристка в России.Она обладает высокой стойкостью,умная,смелая женщина.Не каждый может быть в большом спорте и добиться таких успехов, как она,особенно после таких слов тренера,которые могут легко оскорбить и унизить.Увидев её, тренер сказал ей, что она не может быть в фигурном катании, вообще в спорте, что это не для неё.Несмотря на всё, она была достойной фигуристкой в России.