Вопрос which of these do you eat or drink ? how much ? look anb say. там есть печенье мясо мороженое молоко бананы яйца морковки картошка фри курица надо написать любые 5 предложений например i eat lot of biscuits . or i don t eat many biscuits.
1. I drink a lot of milk but I drink little coffee. 2. I eat a few bananas or carrots every week. 3. I eat few eggs every week. 4. In summer I don't eat much meat but I eat a lot of ice cream. 5. I eat a little chicken with smashed potatoes. 6. I don't eat many cookies.
I. 1. It is sunny. There is no rain. 2. It's cold. It is snowing. 3. It's cloudy. A cold wind is blowing. 4. It's frosty but the sun is shining. 5. It's raining. It is foggy. It is wet. 6. Is it snowing? - No, it isn't. It is clear out side. II. 1. It was warm yesterday though it was raining. 2. It was windy last Wednesday but it was clear. 3. A strong wind was blowing yesterday evening and it was cold. 4. There was no sun yesterday morning. 5. There was light mist three days ago but it was warm. 6. It was snowing last week. It was frosty.
1. Вы сегодня пойдете на лекцию? - Are you going to the lecture today? 2. Нина пишет вам что-нибудь? - Does Nine write anything to you? 3. Вы долго ждали его вчера? - How long were you waiting for him yesterday? 4. Почему вы в пальто? Вы идете гулять? - Why are you wearing a coat? Are you going for a walk? 5. Обычно он ждет меня на углу, и мы идем домой вместе. - He usually waits for my on the corner and we walk home together. 6. Вечно ты так говоришь. - You always say this. 7. Я не могу с вами встретиться, завтра приезжает мама. - I can't meet up with you, my mum is coming over tomorrow. 8. Что ты несешь в сумке? Она такая тяжелая. - What are you carrying in the bag? It's very heavy. 9. Погода была очень холодная. Я все время дрожал. - The weather was very cold. I shivered all the time (или all along). 10. Ты увидишь ее сегодня в институте? - (Are you going to/Will you) see him at the university today? 11. Звонок раздался, когда я заканчивал писать работу. - The bell (the doorbell/the phone- смотря что имеется в виду под "звонок") rang when I was finishing writing up the work. 12. Он вошел в комнату, где его ждал директор. - He entered the room where the headteacher was waiting for him. 13. Кто-нибудь читает эту газету? Я хочу взять ее. - Is anybody reading this newspaper? I want to take it. 14. Где он сейчас работает? - Where does he work now? 15. Приходи сегодня, я буду ждать. - Come over today, I will be waiting.
1. Что делает твой брат? – Он работает на заводе. – А что он делает сейчас? – Он читает газету. Я приношу ему газеты, когда он приходит с работы. - What does your brother do? - He works in at the factory. And what is he doing now? - He is reading a newspaper. I bring him newspapers when he gets back home from work. 2. Было уже темно, когда мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось все холоднее и холоднее. - It was already dark when we approached the house; Strong wind was blowing and it was becoming colder and colder. 3. Не приходи ко мне завтра после уроков, я буду готовиться к докладу. Приходи лучше вечером. - Don't come to mine after lessons tomorrow, I will be preparing for a presentation. 4. Я не понимаю, почему сейчас светит солнце. Ведь уже вечер, а вечером солнце не светит, - сказал малыш. - "I don't understand why the sun is shinning now. After all, it's already evening time and the sun doesn't shine in the evening", - a boy said. 5. Мы очень подружились, когда вместе путешествовали. - We became very good friends when we were travelling together.
2. I eat a few bananas or carrots every week.
3. I eat few eggs every week.
4. In summer I don't eat much meat but I eat a lot of ice cream.
5. I eat a little chicken with smashed potatoes.
6. I don't eat many cookies.