Ну - с, давай про архитектуру
Architecture — the art and science of building and designing buildings and structures (including their complexes), as well as the totality of buildings and structures that create a spatial environment for human life and activity. Architecture creates a materially organized environment that people need for their life and activities, in accordance with their aspirations, as well as modern technical capabilities, aesthetic and artistic views . In architecture, functional (purpose, use), technical (strength, durability), aesthetic (beauty) properties of objects and their artistic and figurative meaning are interrelated. The artistic meaning and specificity of architecture as art is best expressed by the classical triad of Vitruvius: Strength, Utility, Beauty (lat. Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas). In the future, this formula was interpreted extremely broadly — as three worlds, or three "kingdoms", with which the architect deals .
Architectural works are often perceived as works of art, as cultural or political symbols. Historical civilizations are characterized by their architectural achievements. Architecture allows you to perform the vital functions of society, while at the same time directing life processes. However, the architecture is created in accordance with the capabilities and needs of people.
The subject of working with space is also the organization of the locality as a whole. This task has been separated into a separate area — urban planning, which covers a complex of socio-economic, construction and technical, architectural and artistic, sanitary and hygienic problems. For the same reason, it is difficult to give a correct assessment of an architectural structure without knowing urban planning.
One of the highest international awards in the field of architecture is the Pritzker prize, awarded annually for the most outstanding achievements in the field of architecture.
1. I go to the city once a week. - Я выхожу в город раз в неделю.
2. You play the guitar very well. - Вы очень хорошо играете на гитаре.
3. She never visits me. - Она никогда не посещает меня.
4. Tom always finds new ways to do things. - Том всегда находит новые делать вещи.
6. Ann wants to speak. - Энн хочет говорить.
7. Toronto is in Canada. - Торонто это Канада.
8. Cars have wheels. - У машин есть колеса.
9. My mother has a big house. - У моей мамы большой дом.
10. We play a lot. - Мы много играем.
11. They sell fruit and eggs. - Они продают фрукты и яйца.
12. The building is on fire. - Это здание горит.
13. Marta seems sad. - Марта кажется грустной.
14. I usually help my neighbors. - Я обычно своим соседям.
15. His brother rarely leaves town. - Его брат редко покидает город.