1. Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area.
2. The area of Russia is approximately equal to the surface area of the planet Pluto.
3. Moscow is the capital of Russia, and it is one of the largest cities in the world.
4. Other main cities of Russia are St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg and Omsk.
5. Russian language is considered one of the richest and difficult for learning.
6. Territory of Russia covers eleven time zones.
7. It includes various climate and relief types.
Sport is very important in our life and it's difficult to imagine the way we would live without it. Personally, I like playing tennis. This is an individual kind of sport, so I do not depend on the team. In case of loss no one will blame me for it. That's the main reason why I like tennis. Playing this game, you can also develop some physical skills, such as dexterity, reaction and stamina. Tennis helps you to relax and forget about some problems as you get immered into the game. Moreover, there are many people around the world who also like this kind of sport. This is a great chance to make new friends.Isn't it great?
Дома я обязан делать домашнее задание. Это моя главная обязанность. Иногда я мою пол. Если у меня есть время, то я мою посуду. Конечно, у меня есть свободное время. Я трачу его на домашние задания и на игры.