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Задайте 10 вопросов (альтернативный,общий,вопрос и т.д) some tips on where to go and what to see in moscow there is no need to rack one's brains about outings in moscow as the cultural life is intense. a lot of famous theatres and galleries are there. the bolshoi and the maly theatres are in the centre of moscow in teatralnaya square. just round the corner there is the moscow art theatre (the mkhat). the operetta theatre is a two-minute walk from the teatralnaya square as well. it's incredible, but there are about ninety theatres in moscow (apart from the different studios and theatrical societies), more than seventy museums and a great number of exhibitions of all kinds. in spite of the wide choice, it is not easy to recommend something to a foreigner. tastes differ, you know. but even if you have no idea of the person's interests, there are some places to suggest. they may not be at the top of the list of moscow entertainment, but they promise great enjoyment for a person of any age and background. one of these places is the fairy world of the yury nikulin old circus on tsvetnoi boulevard. it is really old, one of the oldest circuses in russia. it was opened in 1880 and since that time has been working non-stop (even during the great patriotic war). the old circus has always had the reputation of one of the best circuses in the world. it is famous for its very good programmes for children. people still remember brilliant clowns like karandash and oleg popov. vury nikulin also worked there and now the circus is named after him: the nikulinsky circus. in 1980s, the circus was rebuilt, but the atmosphere of the old circus remained the same: warm and homelike. today, more than 2000 spectators can watch amazing programmes. wild animals, like tigers and elephants, often take part in the performances. if you want to see sea animal performances, you'll have to go to another kind of circus: the moscow dolphinarium. it is the best opportunity for those who want to see marine mammals, such as dolphins, sea lions and seals. the performance is rather short (it only lasts for about one hour), but the actors are splendid and amaze adults as well as kids. people can admire a huge white whale and several dolphins performing together. and what a delight it is when a dolphin touches your hand! these places of public entertainment are different from other more popular attractions. they seem to be more real and less commercial. it's quite possible that it's this kind of entertainment that attracts people to moscow.

Я не-знаю но я перевёл возможно это тебе
Нет необходимости ломать голову об экскурсии в Москве, так как культурная жизнь насыщенная. Много известных театров и галерей там. Большой и малый театры в центре Москвы на Театральной площади. Просто за углом есть Московский художественный театр (МХАТ). Театр оперетты находится в двух минутах ходьбы от Театральной площади, а также. Это невероятно, но есть около девяноста театров в Москве (помимо различных студий и театральных обществ), более семидесяти музеев и большое количество выставок всех видов.
Несмотря на широкий выбор, это не просто что-то порекомендовать иностранцу. О вкусах не спорят, знаете ли. Но даже если Вы не имеете представления об интересах человека, есть несколько мест, чтобы предложить. Они не могут быть в верхней части списка развлечений Москвы, но они обещают большое удовольствие для человека любого возраста и фона.
Одним из таких мест является сказочный мир Юрия Никулина на Цветном бульваре Старый цирк на Цветном бульваре. Это очень старый, один из старейших цирков в России. Он был открыт в 1880 году и с тех пор работает нон-стоп (даже во время Великой Отечественной войны). Старого цирка всегда была Репутация одного из лучших цирков в мире. Он славится своей очень хорошие программы для детей. Люди еще помнят блестящие клоуны, как карандаш и Олег Попов. Vury Никулин также работал там и теперь цирк, названный его именем: в Никулинский цирк.
В 1980-х годах, цирк был перестроен, но атмосфера старого цирка осталась прежней: теплой и домашней. Сегодня, более чем 2000 зрителей могут наблюдать удивительные программы. Дикие животные, как тигры и слоны, часто принимают участие в спектаклях.
Если вы хотите увидеть выступления морских животных, вам придется перейти на другой цирк: Московский дельфинарий. Это лучшая возможность для тех, кто хочет увидеть морских млекопитающих, таких как дельфины, морские львы и тюлени.
Спектакль довольно короткий (оно длится всего около одного часа), но актеры играют великолепно и поражать взрослых, так и детей. Люди могут восхищаться огромным белым китом, и несколько дельфинов выступают вместе. И какая радость, когда Дельфин прикасается к вашей руке!
Эти места общественного отдыха, отличаются от других, более популярных достопримечательностей. Они кажутся более реальными и менее коммерческим. Вполне возможно, что именно этот вид развлечений, которые привлекают людей в Москву.
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1. young people tend to unite in groups or organisations because they enjoy being together.  2. wearing the same clothes or uniforms, listening to the same music and sharing the same ideas makes membership of such youth organisations or cultures more attractive, gives young people a sense of belonging. 3. young people are very impressionable and it is not so difficult for adults to use their enthusiasm to their own ends. history knows a lot of such examples.  4. young people should be very careful about their choice of organisations as it is a great responsibility.  5. political organisations for young people should not exist at all because children are not experienced enough to foresee the results of their activities.  6. there are very few youth organisations in ukraine at the moment and they are mostly adult-led political organisations.  7. youth cultures or cults usually annoy adults and they have a good reason for that.  8. some youth cultures can be dangerous for their participants.  b) give your point of view on youth organisations, movements or cults.
4,6(46 оценок)

ну как-то

speed, excitement, danger. you can find all these in the different extreme sports that have become popular last 10 years. take bungee jumping. you jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. in skysurfing you jump out of aeroplane and use a board to “surf” the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! and extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.

winter sports have always an element of danger. for example snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surfing but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snowrafting. you sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed – and you can't control the boat!

of course, water sports have always been fun. ice diving, for those people who are absolutely crasy. you put on diving equipment and dive under a frosen lake. and, if that's not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! i feel cold just thinking about it.

a lot of people are not fit nowadays. it's a big problem today. if you want to feel fit you'd better go in for one kind of sport or another. i think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. good health is better than the best medicine. all kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. to tell the truth i don't do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. in the morning i do some exercises just to awake. in summer i go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water where my granny lives. in winter i swim in the swimming pool. i like to ride the bike. i shouldn't call myself a sports fan. of course , i like to watch sports competitions on tv, like hockey or football. but most of all i admire extreme kinds of sport. i think they are really cool.

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