40-50 слов о моей спальне( язык) в моей спальне есть небольшой телевизр,книжная полка,стол на котором я делаю уроки,шкаф для одежды и кровать.в моей спальне есть полка для игрушек,там лежат много мишек. сделайте перевод на
In my bedroom i have a small tv,a book shelf,a table where i do my homework,a wardrobe for my clothes,and a bed.In my bedroom i have a shelf for toys,there are a lot of teddy bears.I think that my bedroom is very modern and cosy.
I have my own favorite room there is a small TV on which I watch TV, bookshelf where lizhat my books that I have read or will read my closet where hronyatsya my stuff and in the corner is my bed. Then I have a beautiful shelf on which I Chrno their toys, but most of all there is such a soft mishutok.Nu in my room and I like it very much
1. What is the title of the text? 2. What were they discussing at the table? 3. Where has Sasha's mother gone? 4. What did Sasha's father do? 5. How long could he be away from home? 6. How was Sasha treated? 7. Where did Olen'ka moved Sasha? 8. How did Sasha sleep? 9. What did Sasha say before breakfast? 10. How many glasses of tea did he drink? 11. What did he eat for breakfast? 12. How did Sasha look? 13. What did Olen'ka give him? 14. What should Sasha do? 15. Why was Sasha ashamed? 16. How did Olen'ka treat Sasha? 17. What did she tell people at the market? 18. What time did they have dinner? 19. What did they do in the evening? 20. What did Olen'ka dream about?
1. What is the title of the text? 2. What were they discussing at the table? 3. Where has Sasha's mother gone? 4. What did Sasha's father do? 5. How long could he be away from home? 6. How was Sasha treated? 7. Where did Olen'ka moved Sasha? 8. How did Sasha sleep? 9. What did Sasha say before breakfast? 10. How many glasses of tea did he drink? 11. What did he eat for breakfast? 12. How did Sasha look? 13. What did Olen'ka give him? 14. What should Sasha do? 15. Why was Sasha ashamed? 16. How did Olen'ka treat Sasha? 17. What did she tell people at the market? 18. What time did they have dinner? 19. What did they do in the evening? 20. What did Olen'ka dream about?