1 She doesn't like ice-cream. (Ей не нравится мороженое) Does she like ice-cream? What does she like? 2 you can't write poems. (Ты не умеешь писать стихи) Can you write poems? Who can you write? 3 they aren't pupils (они не ученики) Are they pupils? Who are they? 4 they don't play with a ball. (Они не играют с мячом) Do they play with a ball? What do they play with? 5 you don’t like fairy tales (тебе не нравятся сказки) Do you like fairy tales? What do you like? 6 he doesn't live in town (Он не живёт в городе). Does he live in town? Where does he live? 7 she isn't nine years old (Ей не 9 лет). Is she nine years old? How old is she?
A. Janet likes spaghetti very much We can start work on Monday Jane met her friends at a party She doesn't want to dance with you It isn't cold in winter in England I'd like to listen to the radio My friend's family has got a flat on the sixth floor We are going to the cinema tonight We are going on an excursion by bus He always has lunch at 1 o'clock B. What are you wearing at the moment? Where were you living when you started school? Where did you go on holiday when you were a child? Do you play any sports at the weekend? What time did you get up this morning? Have you ever been to Egypt to see the pyramids? Do you look like your mother? Which company do you work for?