Too ( в значении "слишком") употребляется перед прилагательными и наречиями имеет отрицательное значение. Enough ("достаточно") употребляется ПОСЛЕ наречий и прилагательных имеет положительное значение.
1. Так как сданы все экзамены, студенты отправились домой. Having passed - причастие.Having passed all exams - независимый причастный оборот. 2.Девочка, пишущая на доске, наша лучшая ученица. Writing - причастие, герундия нет. Причастный оборот. - The girl writing on the blackboard. 3.Так как ужин закончился, мы собрались в гостиной. Being over - причастие. Assemled - это глагол. Dinner being over - прич. оборот. 4. Дети любят слушать рассказы медсестры. Told - причастие. Told by nurse -прич. оборот. 5. Они настаивали на том, чтобы летом отправиться на юг. Going - герундий. They instead on going - оборот. 6. Он гордится тем, что поговорил с этим выдающимся человеком. Having spoken - причастие. Outstanding - герундий.He is proud of having spoken - оборот.
Traditional materials, of which Ireland sewed national costumes have always been wool and flax. Men in this country over the long linen shirt worn warm and quite spacious woolen cloaks. By the way traditional Irish cloak has no arms, no hood, no cuts to the hands. It - single cut piece of material, which are fixed a large brooch (fibula). In wealthy people it was brought to the bottom linen shirt worn another, but now short. They produced such things as flax, but only in this case it is particularly distinguished by fine dressing. As for clothes royals, it might even be sewn from silk. Upper tunic often decorated with colorful, very complex embroidered patterns. In addition to the Irish national dress embroidery can be decorated with braid (bottom product, sleeves and collar), wedges of colored fabrics and contrasting thread (external seams). Earlier in Ireland operated a special decree on the color, which states that every Irishman could use to decorate their clothes, and a well-defined combination of colors (it depended on the type of activity the Irishman and his position in society). In the more wealthy citizens, national costumes were much more colorful and brighter than the commoner. On the Irish National Male Costume largely influenced by nothing other than the constant bad weather and strong winds. Therefore, the Irish worn over tight shirts or plaid boucle jackets, which have a sweater or vest to hook. In Ireland, the traditional headdress is a constant wedge cap. In the twentieth century to such a suit it has been added to the black heavy coat greatcoat cut and long coats.
Enough ("достаточно") употребляется ПОСЛЕ наречий и прилагательных имеет положительное значение.