1 The train left just five minutes ago.
2 By the end of the week we have gathered all the necessary documents.
3 Did you buy the dictionary? -Yes, I bought it yesterday.
4 Have you ever been to Paris? -Yes. -When have you been there? -I was there two years ago.
5 We came to the theatre when the performance had already begun.
6 I have already written out the new words but I haven’t learnt them yet.
7 When my friend visited me, I had been out.
8 Before Mr. de Winter came to Monte Carlo he had lived in his estate near London.
пишешь про свой друг(-подруга)
1)Что ему(-ей) нравится
2)Что он(-а) может
3)в чем он(-а) хорош(-а)
4)Его любимый
Вот пример:
1)He (-She) likes... (reading ,cooking,dancing,swimming и т.д)
2)He(-she) can... (play-football,basketball,volleyball и т.д)или вместо play можешь что-то другое написать.
3)He's (-she's) good at... (math,science,geography,biology,chemistry и т.д)
4)His (-her) favourite... (Например любимый цвет или еда,песня,урок и т.д)
Если напишешь про любимый цвет:
Her/his favourite colour is... (brown,black,yellow,red и т.д)
Если про предмет (урок):
Her/His favourite subject is.. (math,geography и т.д)
Наверное все понятно:)