Hi, my name is Igor. I am 12. I have got a lot of hobbies. I like to play tennis and pioneer ball. I am fond of football. I play football every day. There is a stadium near our house. On Saturdays grown-ups come to play football too. I watch football matches on TV. I buy Pepsi and chips for it. I have got a real football holiday this summer. It was a football championship in Africa. First I didn’t like the sounds of vuvuzelas. They made me nervous. Then I got used to it. I felt upset that there wasn’t our football team. But I have got many favorite footballers from different foreign clubs. I was a fan of the Spanish national team. I am always interested in them. I have got a lot of posters with footballers at home.
My favorite footballer is Frank Lampard. He was born in London on the 20th of June 1978. His career began in West Ham. His father played football there too. He is a back-half footballer. Then he began playing for “Chelsea" and for the national team. He has got number 8. Frank Lampard is a talented sportsman.
I like Christiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro too. He was born on the 5th of February in 1985 on the island of Funchal (Portugal). In 2008 he got a “gold ball” which means that he was the best football player of the year. He is a forward of “Real Madrid” and of the Portuguese national team. He has got number 7 which means he is the “grand master” of the team.
I like our football players too. They are Andrei Arshavin and Igor Akinfeev.
I want to be a footballer too. Football is great. I am happy that I can play football well. I am happy that I have got a lot of friends among football fans of our school.
Существует заповеди божьи, на основании которых живет какая-либо часть православного народа. По этим заповедям господям живу и я . Обманывать - это считается грехом,за которым нужно пойти и замолить в церкви. Ведь было много примеров ,когда человек врал,его господь бог наказывал. Но наш мир на данном этапе немного начал переходить границу лжи. Ложь - это та часть отрицательного характера в человеке. Люди стали как-то лгать друг другу,при этом скрывать правду,прикрываясь отмазками. Возможно этих людей ждет несчатье или горе,а значит таким образом можно сделать вывод : я ненавижу лгать кому-то не смотря кто это будет родной человек или просто знакомый,лучше пусть знают правду,чем потом себя карать в том ,что соврать.
Личное местоимение ПРИТЕЖАТЕЛЬНОЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ присоединяемая форма абсолютная форма I я my мой моя мои mine he он his его his she она her её hers it оно its его её we мы our наш наши ours you вы your ваше ваш yours they они their их theirs
My favorite footballer is Frank Lampard. He was born in London on the 20th of June 1978. His career began in West Ham. His father played football there too. He is a back-half footballer. Then he began playing for “Chelsea" and for the national team. He has got number 8. Frank Lampard is a talented sportsman.
I like Christiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro too. He was born on the 5th of February in 1985 on the island of Funchal (Portugal). In 2008 he got a “gold ball” which means that he was the best football player of the year. He is a forward of “Real Madrid” and of the Portuguese national team. He has got number 7 which means he is the “grand master” of the team.
I like our football players too. They are Andrei Arshavin and Igor Akinfeev.
I want to be a footballer too. Football is great. I am happy that I can play football well. I am happy that I have got a lot of friends among football fans of our school.