1 When did they arrive on the 5th of April? 2 Where they arrived from? 3 where they went? 4 What did they vizit? 5 How many stages were there in church? 6 Where did they go on the 7th of April? 7 Where did they stopped? 8 What dishes did thay taste? 9 Where did they go on the 9th of April? 10 What event was held there? 11 Whom did they employ? 12 What competition was the festival started with? 13 What did the festival include? 14 Where did they go after viziting a chorch? 15 Where did they go on the 11th of April? 16 How many weeks were they in the trip? 17 How many countries did they vizit? 18 What places did they vizit?
Dear Kate, How are you? You haven't written to me for such a long time! I enjoy our holiday here, in Italy. We arrived here on Saturday and have already tried the local food. I liked their special pizza a lot. But their spagetti was too spicy. We go to the beach every day. I do a lot of sunbathing. It's quite warm here. We haven't done the sightseeing yet but we have one more week for it. Best regards, Chloe Дорогая Кэйт, Как у тебя дела? Ты мне уже так долго не писала! Я наслаждаюсь отпуском здесь, в Италии. Мы приехали сюда в субботу и уже попробовали местную кухню. Мне очень понравилась их особенная пицца. Но их спагетти были слишком перченые. Мы каждый день ходим на пляж. Я много загораю. Здесь достаточно тепло. Мы пока не ходили осматривать достопримечательности, но у нас есть на это еще одна неделя. С любовью, Хлоя