1. — Would you like to come to the cinema with me, Nick? — No. I have been working)_all day and I am tired. — And will you (come) _ when you (finish) resting? — What film is on at the cinema? — It's a new war film and it is based) on a war novel. — Oh, I (saw)_it a week ago. I (had read)_the novel before I (went)_ to see it. 2. Look, it (is raining) _ outside. The rain (started) when I (was going)__to the hairdresser's, but when I ( came) out it was pouring). 1. I (had been walking or about half an hour when at last I saw) a little house near the river. I understood) at once that it (was)_ _the house about which Ann had told_ _me a few days before. I knocked_ at the door and (to asked) to come in by the voice from inside. A woman was sitting at the window with a book in her hands. 2. Carol and I are old friends. We (have known) each other since we were_in primary school. 3. As soon as I get_home tonight I'll give) you a call. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Flint (are intending to visit their son's school tomorrow. When they get) there, they will see) the headmaster first. 2. When I (was talking with my friend at the party last night I. ( asked him where his cousin Freddy (was) __I (was told that he (had left for Leeds and would come back in a month. 3. — Have you ever ( talked) to your teacher about your grades, Jim? — Yes, I (have talked to her several times. In fact I ( talked _to her about it after class yesterday when you were waiting) for me outside. 1. Snow (is promised tomorrow by the forecast. If it (snows) _tomorrow, I'll stay) at home. 2. Horses (were introduced)_into the Americans by Spaniads in the early fifteenth century. Spanish explorers brought) them in their ships and later most of the horses (became wild animals. 3. When I got) to the Parker family yesterday afternoon around two o'clock, Mr. Parker was working) _on his car. He said he (had got_ in a road accident and the repairs (would take) him another day or two. 4. — Where's Robinson? — He (is preparing) _for tomorrow's seminar. He has just returned from the library.
New York Constable Ichabod Crane ( Johnny Depp ) is outraged practice of law enforcement, still using medieval methods of interrogation under torture , and not based on the achievements of science . As punishment, a crooked law guardian is sent to Sleepy Hollow - a small settlement of immigrants from Holland, where before there were three unsolved murders . Upon arrival, Ichabod learns from residents that sinister crime was committed mystical Headless Horseman (Christopher Walken ) - ghost Hessian trooper , brutal mercenary British, executed two decades earlier during the war for independence.
Нью-йоркский констебль Икабод Крейн (Джонни Депп) возмущён практикой правоохранительных органов, по-прежнему использующих средневековые методы допросов с применением пыток, а не опирающихся на достижения науки. В наказание строптивого блюстителя закона направляют в Сонную лощину — небольшое поселение выходцев из Голландии, где накануне произошло три нераскрытых убийства. Прибыв на место, Икабод узнаёт от жителей, что зловещее преступление совершил мистический всадник без головы (Кристофер Уолкен) — призрак гессенского кавалериста, жестокого наёмника англичан, казнённого двумя десятилетиями ранее во время войны за независимость.
My girl is a pretty girl.