ответ:if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education;
if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited;
if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited; the possibility of school bankruptcy;
if the high quality of education, as, for example, in the Lomonosov Moscow State University Classical boarding house, then the high cost of education; in some cases, even the high cost does not guarantee the quality of education; a large number of private schools complicates the process of choosing a school that provides a truly high-quality education. First of all, you need to find out if your chosen school is accredited; the possibility of school bankruptcy; many private schools have been created recently, so it is quite problematic to find out how high-quality education this school can give your child;
Жюль Верн жил в Нанте - на западном побережье Франции. Он любил море, и когда ему было всего 12, он попытался сбежать на корабле в Вест-Индию. К несчастью для него, моряки поймали его и отправили домой. У Жюля было отличное воображение, он написал несколько приключенческих историй и создал загадочных персонажей, таких как капитан Немо. В «Двадцати тысячах лье под водой» капитан Немо путешествует по морю на своей подводной лодке «Наутилус». В своих путешествиях он встречает странных морских существ и находит подводный город.
Learning English is very interesting and exciting. Four hundred million people speak English, as it is their mother tongue, six hundred million people learn English as foreign one. English is the official language in many countries around the world. English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sports and music.
English is very popular, it is studied in many schools and universities. Now many people study English. So why do they do it? Someone wants to work or study abroad, someone who likes to travel and wants to travel around the entire planet and teaches English as an international language, while others simply enjoy the new knowledge.
So why do I need English? English language is an international language in which you communicate over the world. Therefore, we must learn it, if you want to go abroad to study, find new friends, communicate freely abroad, study the culture of any country, customs, traditions and literature. English may be useful in many professions, such as a manager, a programmer, a businessman, an advertiser, and so on. Studying in England is very promising and now to know English is very profitable. English knowledge is a sign of a good education and intelligence.