1.When Ron arrived at the airport he discovered he had forgotten her passport
2. After she had visited the library she bought some milk
3. Mary opened her bag and found out that she had forgotten her wallet.
4. He got home to find out that somebody had broken into his house.
5. She was very pleased to see that Mark had cleaned the kitchen.
6. When he arrived at the party he learnt that Den had just left
7. He felt seek last night because he had eaten too many sweets.
8. I tidied the flat, then I sat down and had a cup of tea.
9. When Ron opened the curtains he saw that the ground had been wet.
ответ: 1.
Gets up
Did not
Will train
Doesn’t buy
Will go
Decided; went
Doesn’t play
Мия смотрит тв каждый вечер Present simple
Я думаю я останусь дома этим вечером. Future simple
Когда ты будешь знать результаты осмотра? Future simple
Я иду в ванную комнату и умываю руки и лицо и чищу зубы present simple
когда ты вчера вышел из дома идя в школу? Past simple
Вчера Мой отец не читал газеты потому что он был занят. Past simple
Кейт писала письма каждого дня. Past simple
Что ты купишь в магазине завтра? Future simple
воскресенья мы ходили в театр. Past simple