Много девочек - Many girls
Много чая - A lot of tea
Много лимонов - many lemons
Много мяса - a lot of meat
Много комнат - A lot of rooms
Много учителей - Many teachers
Много работы - a lot of work
Много воздуха - a lot of air
Много птиц - Many birds
Много машин - A lot of cars
Мало детей - Few children
Мало игрушек - Little toys
Мало света - little light
Мало парт - few desks
Мало колбасы - few sausages
Мало сока - little juice
Мало книг - few books
Мало цветов - few flowers
Мало соли - little salt
Мало друзей - few friends
Yest' pyat' chelovek v moyey sem'ye. Moya mama i papa, dve sestry i ya. Odna sestra starshe menya, a drugaya molozhe. Moyu starshuyu sestru zovut Vanida. Yey 15 let. Ona idet v shkolu Satri. Ona dobraya i pomogayet mne s domashnim zadaniyem. Moyu mladshuyu sestru zovut Nitima. Yey vosem' let, i ona uchitsya v toy zhe shkole, chto i ya. Mne nravitsya draznit' yeye, no ya ne dumayu, chto yey eto nravitsya. Moi roditeli oba vrachi v nashey mestnoy bol'nitse. YA ochen' gorzhus' imi, potomu chto oni pomogayut lyudyam stat' luchshe.
2)there are some untencils in the sink.
3)there are some cups in the cupboard.
4)there are some pupils in the classroom.
5)would you like some cofee?
1)are there any tables in your room?
2)are there any TV sets in your living room?
3)there aren"t any fireplaces in my house.
4)there aren"t any doghouses in my house.
5)there aren"t any famous people in my house.