If I were Scot , I would make a lot of English mates because the majority of Scots are friendly, welcoming and helpful hosts. If you need some help, piece of advice or bed and breakfast, they’re glad to offer you what you need. If I'm Scot , I must speak well English .Though at first there can be some troubles with understanding of what they say, in spite of their speaking international English language. Their pronunciation is very different from what we used to learn at school. Scots have their own accents and dialects. Besides, the country is a motherland of famous writers, artists, scientists. So, maybe I'll become one of them. Or I might be an inventor of something useful and powerfull like Alexander Bell who invented the telephone and,by the way, were born there. I think I will travel that country, though I should do it before I've got my new citizenship. But till this moment, I still want to stay here, in my country because I think it also has a brilliant future ahead . So, there is no sense in leaving my motherland.
На нашей планете очень много живых организмов. Как деревья , трава , кусты , уветы и есть кактусы. деревья очень высокие , ствол дерева по середине и есть ветки они по сторонам, листья оги зеленые и разной формы. Трава зеленная как листья , она тоже разная и не высокая максимум метр . И у нет ствола . кустарники как маленькие деоевьч но пышнея . На них могут расти ягоды. А на деревьях фрукты . Цветы они красивые ими украшают сады , дома, город. и т.д. У них есть стебельки листя по бакам и сверху один или много макушек цветков. у нас очень хорошо .