I think that in order to do something complicated for the first time in my life you need to be patient and hardworking. The main thing is to put fear on the far shelf and be sure that everything will turn out. Native people will support you and your endeavors. This will help you.
in order to start something new that seems difficult to me, I ask for help. It’s not a shame to ask someone to help, because the end result is fun. Try, learn to overcome difficulties, keep calm, believe in your strength and everything will work out for you !
Привіт! Зараз я розповім як у мене дома проходить Новый рік. За 2 дні до нового року ми готуєму їжу :салати, солодощі, картоплю, фрукты...За день до нового року ми прибираємо в усіх кімнатах І коли Новий рік настає, то за мо гостів. Я гадаю, що Нови́й рік —це свято, яке святкують багато народів відповідно до визнаного календаря. Свято настає в момент початку нового року.найдавніших і найпопулярніших календарних свят. Це, мабуть, єдина подія, яку протягом століть щорічно відзначають у всіх країнах і на всіх континентах, яку знають, люблять і яку з нетерпінням чекають люди, різні у своїх етно-національних традиціях і релігійних переконаннях.
Hi there! Now I will tell you how my New Year is going at home. 2 days before the new year we prepare food: salads, sweets, potatoes, fruits ... The day before the new year we clean in all rooms And when the New Year comes, we invite guests. I believe that the New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples according to a recognized calendar. The holiday comes at the beginning of the new year. The most ancient and popular calendar holidays. This is perhaps the only event that has been celebrated annually for centuries in all countries and on every continent that is known, loved and eagerly awaited by people of different ethnic and national traditions and religious beliefs.
2. How old is this building? - d) About twenty. It was built in 1990.
3. ls John at home? - a) No, the child has been taken to the zoo.
4. Can l open it? - e) No. It should be opened only in two days.
5. Need l do it right now? - c) No. It can be done later.