Why I need English in my life? It seems to me that not all people need English. Some people are English and they speak English. And many people from Russia, Ukraine, etc. learn English in order to have another language in reserve. Personally, I need English in order to communicate with different people like the British and those people who speak this language. Especially now, there are so many different textbooks on which you can learn English.
What are your favourite dishes? Do you have some pets? Where do you live? What music do you prefer? Why do you hate them all?
What are you doing with your life? Where are you now? What is going on here? Are you listening Kanye`s new album? Is it your first competition?
Did you see Taylor at school yesterday? Did you know that Alice broke her leg yesterday? What did you do at 7 PM 2 days ago? Did you do some photos on Christmas? Did you speak English in France on summer holidays?
Will you become an artist as you wish? Will you go to the cinema tomorrow? Will you be free on Saturday at 10 AM? How will you pass the exams if you truant so many classes? Will you become the butterfly?
Какова тема письма? - Привет, Вики, Сегодня был первый день в школе, и в первый же день мне пришлось носить новую школьную форму. Я ненавижу это! Наша форма ужасна. Ткань царапается, а цвет грязно-коричневый. Юк! Я действительно ненавижу то, что я не могу носить новую одежду, которую я купил этой осенью. Я сумасшедший о некоторых новых моделях, а что о тебе? Мне особенно нравится что-нибудь с полосками. Но я не могу носить их в школе. Я не помню, тебе нужно носить униформу в школу? Написать в ближайшее время, Маша