1. He will go to the country this summer.
Will he go to the country this summer?
Will he go to the country this summer or this winter?
He will go to the country this summer, won’t he?
Who will go to the country this summer?
When will he go to the country?
2. They are planning to have a holiday soon.
Are they planning to have a holiday soon?
Are they planning to have a holiday or weekend soon?
They are planning to have a holiday soon, aren’t they?
Who are planning to have a holiday soon?
When are they planning to have a holiday soon?
3. By the end of the year he has read about 20 books.
By the end of the year has he read about 20 books?
By the end of the year has he read about 20 books or 100 books?
By the end of the year he has read about 20 books, hasn’t he?
By the end of the year who has read about 20 books?
When has he read about 20 books?
На английском:
Lovely, kind, gentle ladies:
Grandmothers, aunts, beloved mothers!
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you only happy!
Always smile and be gentle
We wish you to love ourselves, dear ones,
Huge bouquets are always for you, dear ones,
You are just bliss, rays of gold!
You are the sun and the sky, you are the tenderness of flowers,
You are the light, the warmth of amazing words,
You are a spring holiday, you are joy days,
You are angels, miracle, radiance of love!
На русском языке:
Милые, добрые, нежные дамы:
Бабушки, тёти, любимые мамы!
С праздником вас от души поздравляем,
Только счастливыми быть вам желаем!
Всегда улыбаться и нежными быть,
Себя, дорогих, вам желаем любить,
Огромных букетов всегда вам, родные,
Вы — просто блаженство, лучи золотые!
Вы — солнце и небо, вы — нежность цветов,
Вы — свет, теплота удивительных слов,
Вы — праздник весенний, вы — радости дни,
Вы — ангелы, чудо, сиянье любви!
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