Вставьте слова wide low long quiet warm в предложения 1.the ceiling isn't high enough.it's .the bed is too short.it'.3.the radio isn't loud enough.it's .the garage door is too narrow..5.the house isn't cheap enough.its
1. How often does your mum visit your grandparents? She visits them once a week. 2. Is your dad working this evening? No, he isn't. He never works in the evenings. 3. Have you ever been in Venice? No, but I have been to Rome. 4. How long have your parents had this car? They have had it for ten years but it still goes well. 5. Does your mum tell you what you can and can`t wear? No, but she tells me what time I have to come home in the evening. 6. How often does your teacher give you homework? He usually gives us homework twice a week. 7. What are you thinking about? I am thinking about my date with Sam next Friday. 8. Has Tom bought a new computer yet? No, he hasn't but he has an MP3 player.
Summer vacation wonderful! Hot sun, warm breeze, it's all very horosho.Mne like wondrous birds singing over me all the time golovoy.Vokrug grow wonderful flowers, I just love it! Then my family and the food of the sea, where we can recover the entire god.Mne and my family crazy like going to the mountains where it grows green trava.Lyublyu pure mountain vozduh.Potom, we come home and start getting ready for school.
Летние каникулы замечательно! Жаркое солнце, теплый ветерок, все это оченьhorosho.Mne как дивные птицы поют надо мной все время golovoy.Vokrug растутпрекрасные цветы, я просто люблю его! Тогда моя семья, и еда на море, гдемы можем восстановить весь god.Mne и мою семью с ума как идти в горы, гдеона растет зеленый trava.Lyublyu чистый горный vozduh.Potom, когда мы приезжаем домой и начать готовиться к школе .
2 not wide
3 quiet
4 not wide
5 expensive