This motto is very important for many.Many students of my age to suffer a lot of ridicule due to the fact that they are just trying to be myself. This phrase seems to be pushing Teens to love themselves for who they are no matter what. life will be much easier if you learn to accept yourself for who you are. someone else's opinion sagastuy wrong and has nothing to do with the real situation.
On St Valentine`s Day people send a special valentine to those who they love. Some people buy presents for their sweethearts or give them a red rose, a simbol of love. На День Святого Валентина люди посылают специальные Валентинки тем людям, которых они любят. Некоторые покупают подарки для своих возлюбленных или дарят им красную розу - символ любви. Guy Fawkes` Night is on 5th November. When it gets dark, people go out into the streets and watch beautiful fireworks. In the country they often make big bonfires and gather near them. Ночь Гая Фокса празднуется 5-ого ноября. Когда темнеет, люди выходят на улицы и наблюдают красивый фейерверк. В стране они часто разжигают большой костер и собираются около него.
In late February and early March, Russia celebrate Shrovetide, the most ancient festival of the Slavonic people. In the old days, Slavs believed that the change of seasons was the struggle between Yarilo, god of the sun, and the evil spirits of cold and darkness. People believed that they had to help Yarilo fight against winter and bring in the spring. So, for the whole week, ancient Russian villagers had fun and games. The built a straw dummy of the Shrovetide Maid, then put it on a sledge and pulled it around the village laughing and playing. On the last day of the festival, they burnt it and chanted, 'We are seeing off Shrovetide and waiting for the sun to come! Come to us, spring, with your jay and kindness!'