Приготовьте для школьного радио объявление, приглашающее ваших школьных товарищей принять участие в «дне уборки» около школы. постарайтесь быть оригинальным и убедительным. (объявление не большое 3-4 предложения)
Дорогие ребята! В эту субботу мы приглашаем вас принять участие в "дне уборки". Это небольшое мероприятие продлится не больше одного часа. Иметь с собой перчатки! Мы будем очень рады вас видеть!
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos
On Sunday afternoons in every major city many families go to the zoo with kids. They always have a lot of fun, see many rare animals, funny monkeys, tall giraffes, huge elephants and cute koalas. But what is going on with animals? On the one hand, animals are safe in zoos, which means they cannot be hurt in their cages. Secondly, animals have enough food, for example, they can always eat in a zoo, while they may be starving in nature. Furthermore, many poachers kill animals for their skin, fur and meat, but they cannot do it to animals in zoos. What is more, there are many species that are almost exterminated, but zoos help them reproduce and keep their species existing. The last but not least, if the natural habitat of some species is destroyed, ruined or is no longer for living in, zoos make cages that look exactly like the natural habitat. On the other hand, animals are kept away from their natural place of living. For instance, lions can never live in Berlin. Another major disadvantage of keeping animals imprisoned is too much noise and stress for them. Many people come to see them. For example, kids come near the cages and tease them, so they have a very stressful life unlike their natural way of living. Not to mention the fact that animals are not free. They are trapped in their cells like in prisons. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos and everyone is to judge by himself. However, before that think about yourself being kept in a cage and being seen just as an amusement!
Physical activity plays an important role in the development of overall health and prevents various diseases. Apart from preventing diseases, playing sports is an excellent physical activity and thus aids in improving the functional capabilities of body. Sports are not only beneficial to young people, but also for older generations. However, it is always good to start early. Kids should be encouraged in participating in playing sports at school or at social events. This helps in obtaining the maximum amount of positive results of playing sports involving physical activity. Many older people find improved alertness over time if they engage in sports.