English writer, "the Queen of the detective" (Queen of Crime). Agatha Christie was born 15 September 1890 in Torquay (Torquay), Devon, England. Agatha education, early lost his father, mother worked. In 1914 she married Archibald Christie pilot (Colonel Archibald Christie). During the First World War, Agatha Miller worked as a nurse in a military hospital, studied pharmacology.
Английская писательница, "королева детектива" (Queen of Crime). Родилась Агата Кристи 15 сентября 1890, в Торквее (Torquay), графство Девон, Англия. Образованием Агаты, рано потерявшей отца, занималась мама. В 1914 вышла замуж за летчика Арчибальда Кристи (Colonel Archibald Christie). В годы Первой мировой войны Агата Миллер работала медсестрой в военном госпитале, училась фармакологии.
Are we going for a walk? No, I'm busy. I'm doing homework. I have written an essay, now I'm learning a paragraph of history. 2. They decided to have time at a cafe. They usually go to party, bud tonight the won't be dancing: they will be discussing important question. 4. My friend always do his homework in the evening. But today he has done it in the day-time. His elder brother yesterday promised him to bring him to the footbal match. 5. Spring has come. Snow has meld. The weather is getting warmer every day. First green grass has appeared. 6. After I had worked in library, I hied to cafe, because my friend were waiting for me there. When I came, I saw that they had placed coffee for me. 7. She has rested very good this summer(это не правильно) She hopes that her next vacation will be on the sea..