As a child, I (1) LOVED fairy tales, and my mother (2) OFTEN TOLD me the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack and his mother (3) WERE very poor. One day, Jack (4) EXCHANGED the family cow for a magic bean. That night he (5) PLANTED the bean and the next morning he was astonished to see that it (6) HAD GROWN into an enormous beanstalk as high as the sky. Immediately, Jack (7) CLIMBED up the beanstalk, and soon he (8) CAME to a giant’s house. While the giant (9) WAS SLEEPING, Jack (10) STOLE the giant’s treasure. But suddenly the giant (11) WOKE UP. He (12) WAS furious that his treasure (13) HAD DISAPPEARED. But while the giant (14) WAS FOLLOWING Jack down the beanstalk, Jack (15) CUT it down. The giant (16) DIED and jack and his mother (17) LIVED happily for the rest of their lives.
Once there was a boy called Jack who lived with his mother. They were poor and they had to sell their cow. On his way to market he met a stranger who gave him five magic beans for the cow. His mother was mad and threw them out of the window. They started to grow. Jack climbed them and saw a castle. He knocked and the giantess told him to hide from her hungry husband. The giant ate a lot of food and ten started counting his coins but soon he was snoozing. Jack snatched the golf and raced down the beanstalk.
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where are you from?
где ты живешь?
how old are you?
сколько тебе лет?
What are you?
кто ты (по профессии)?
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