1. Where did you rest on holidays? - Где ты отдыхал на каникулах? 2. What do you remember the holidays? - Чем тебе запомнились каникулы? 3. Did you like your holidays? - Тебе понравились твои каникулы? 4. What interesting things did you learn during the holidays? - Что интересного ты узнал за время каникул? 5. Did you go to the sea on holidays? - Ездил ли ты на море на каникулах? 6. Can you show me pictures from holiday? - Можешь показать фотографии с отдыха? 7. Did you go fishing on holidays? - Ходил ли ты на рыбалку на каникулах? 8. Where would you advise to go on holidays? - Куда ты посоветуешь поехать на каникулах? 9. Did you like your holidays? - Понравились ли тебе твои каникулы? 10. Where will you spend the next holidays? - Где ты проведешь следующие каникулы?
Mr. Foster is a young man. He is married and has two children. He plays cricket and football IN his local club and works IN an office. He usually walks TO his office.He has lunch IN a small restaurant NEAR his office. Mr. Foster's office is not very large. There's a desk IN it and some chairs. NEAR the desk there is a shelf WITH books and IN the centre OF the room there is a table.There is a vase WITH flowers on it . ON the walls IN( или OF) his room there are some pictures and a map. ON his desk there is a box IN which there are some old Roman coins; nobody uses them for money now. Mr. Foster collects them.