to notice – замечать, to observe – наблюдать,
to feel – чувствовать, to hear – слышать и другие).
После этих глаголов мы ставим инфинитив без частицы «to». 2) С глаголами, выражающими желание и потребность
• to want – хотеть, • to wish/to desire – желать, • to like – нравиться, • should/would like – хотел бы)
3.My mum is the same age as my dad
4. I paid less than you for the ticket - правильно
5.This is the oldest house in the city
6.Traffic in the city is worse in the evenings
7.This dictionary is the best I've ever had
8. Paul isn't as lazy as he seems
9. Is there a better hotel in town? - правильно
10. Meg is more intelligent person in her family
11. It's not as warm as it was yesterday
12. This is the most comfortable chair in the room