Listen! and he sang the song. dorothy didn't like it. she said goodbye to the tim woodsman and walked to the palace. there she saw the scarecrow. переведите
Конечно, фильмы являются формой развлечения, что имеет для нас большое значение. Но развлечение - не единственное назначение фильмов. Я глубоко убеждён, что фильмы должны пробуждать лучшие, самые светлые и высокие чувства в каждом человеке. В фильмах должна быть надежда на лучшую жизнь. ... Я не люблю фильмы, полные драк. Криминальные фильмы могут оказать влияние на человека. Некоторые могут последовать примеру плохого поведения. Жестокие фильмы, наполненные убийствами, могут развитию жестокости у людей, склонных к насилию. Кино должно рассказывать нам о разных аспектах жизни нашему образованию и, конечно, развлекать нас. Мне нравятся добрые русские и голливудские картины. Такие, как "Римские каникулы" с Одри Хэпберн или "Москва слезам не верит"...
Our neighbour told us this story. It was many years ago. He had left school and tried to go to medical univercity, but he failed. He was really sad, but then he got a job the paramedic. Because his sister worked there. One day the call arrived on the night duty. Someone got hupertensive crisis. We went on the dark road. It was extremely rainy. Strange muddy figure stand near the cemetry. Pale young woman was waving hand in the light of headlights. It seemed strange to us and we went out of the car. Shivering woman came closer and started begging us to save little child in the village nearby. She was unusial cold. Not like a normal human. We were very scared and we wanted to run away. Nevertheless we regretted her and went to that willage. She left at the cemetry, at her home as she said. At this place he meeted a man with ill girl. He said that he did not calling them. We brought girl to hospital. She had pneumonia. He asked, who had called them. And then we saw portrait with black ribbon of that strange woman.We felt sick. Man said us that this woman died seven days ago. There was no woman on the road when we went home. But I looked back. She was standing and watching us.