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12.07.2021 12:33 •  Английский язык

Перевидите на )) буду безмерно – это чудесный красивый старый город со своим необычным колоритом. это город свободы и открытых взглядов. посетить я хотела бы летом, потому что именно в это время там самые приятные погодные условия. в поездку я взяла бы деньги, документы, телефон, удобную, практичную одежду и обувь и, конечно, приятную компанию. добралась бы до я на самолете. внутри города же большую часть времени я потратила бы на пешие прогулки, так как только так, по моему мнению, можно прочувствовать этот город и проникнуться его атмосферой. прогулки по каналам и на велосипедах также входят в мои планы. музей тюссо, музей ван гога, ботанический сад, королевский дворец, музей человеческого тела и выставка «body worlds», известный квартал красных фонарей, интерактивный музей «немо», цветочный рынок на воде, музей пыток, ресторан и теплица «de kas», где овощи и фрукты для блюд собирают тут же с грядок, «плавающие» дома и «коричневые» кафе – это те места, которые входят в мой список для обязательного посещения. но я уверена, что неспешно прогуливаясь по этому очаровательному городу, я непременно наткнусь на что-то еще. сыр, рыба и картошка фри – это точно то, что нужно обязательно попробовать в . из этого маленького путешествия я необычные вещицы, сыр, луковицы тюльпанов и яркие впечатления. по моему мнению, мне обязательно понравится, и я захочу посетить его снова. я думаю, что прекрасен!

Amsterdam - it is a wonderful beautiful old town with its unusual coloring. It is a city of freedom and open views.Visit Amsterdam, I would like in the summer, because at this time there is most pleasant weather conditions.The trip I would take the money, documents, phone, comfortable, practical clothes and shoes and, of course, the pleasant company.To get to Amsterdam I was on the plane.Inside the city as most of the time I would have spent on walking as the only way, in my opinion, it is possible to experience this city and feel its atmosphere. Walking through the canals and bicycles are also part of my plans.Madame Tussauds, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Botanical Garden, Royal Palace, the human body and Museum exhibition "the BODY WORLDS 'famous Red Light District, interactive museum" Nemo "Flower Market on the water, the Museum of Torture, a restaurant and a greenhouse« De Kas "where vegetables and fruits to meals collected immediately with the beds," floating "home and Amsterdam" brown "café - are the places that are part of my list for compulsory attendance. But I am sure that slowly walking through this charming city, I will certainly stumble on something else.Cheese, fish and french fries - this is exactly what is necessary to try to Amsterdam.This little trip I'll bring unusual gizmos, cheese, tulip bulbs and thrills.In my opinion, Amsterdam I will love it, and I want to see it again.I think Amsterdam is perfect!
4,6(16 оценок)
Amsterdam is a wonderful beautiful old city with it's extraordinary features. It's the city of freedom and open views. 
I'd like to visit Amsterdam in summer, because there's the most pleasant weather exactly at this time of the year.
In the trip I would take money, documents, phone, comfortable, practical clothes and footwear, and, of course, a pleasant (sweet) company.
I would get to Amsterdam by plane.
Most of the time inside the city I would spend on unmounted walks because, in my opinion, it's the only way to feel this city and to imbue in the atmosphere. The walks through the channels and riding bikes (bike tours) are also in my plans.
The Madam Tussauds Museum, The Van Gogh Museum, The Amsterdam Botanical Garden, The Royal Palace, A Human Body Museum and the "BODY WORLDS" exhibition, the famous Red Light District, an interactive "Nemo" museum, a flower water market, The Torture Museum, the restaurant and the "De Kas" greenhouse where fruit and vegetables for the dishes are picked here, from beds, the "swimming" houses and the Amsterdam's "brown" cafes are places that are included in the list of my compulsory visit. But I'm sure that walking slowly in this charming city I'll certainly come on something else.
Cheese, fish and french fries is exactly what you need to taste necessarily in Amsterdam.
From this little trip I'll bring extraordinary things like cheese, tulip bulbs and bright impressions.
In my opinion, I will surely like Amsterdam and I would like to visit it again.
I think Amsterdam is great!

Переводила сама. Буду рада
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Boars live in a wide variety of conditions. In the taiga zone, in the forest belt, in the mountains in thickets and hazel. The body length is more than 1.5 m, the boar can weigh 250 kg and even (in the Far East) 300 kg. They have terrifying fangs, especially the lower ones. The fangs reach 24-25 cm in length and are bent in a semicircle. Boars can hear perfectly and have a fine sense of smell, but they see relatively poorly. In spring and summer, the daily course of wild boars does not exceed 5-6 km, in autumn it reaches 12 km, in winter, deep snow hinders long-distance hikes, and wild boars pass from several hundred meters to 3-4 km. In summer, boars come out to feed before sunset until dawn. Since autumn, they go to feed earlier-during the day, and in winter they spend the night in dens, the day-on feeding. In April, 4-6 piglets appear, sometimes even 10-12. They are in the den for a week, huddled close to each other. In the second week, the female begins to take the piglets for walks. In nature, boar lives 10-12 years, in captivity, they can live 20 years.

Кабаны живут в самых разнообразных условиях. Они могут жить в таёжной зоне, в лесополосе, в горах в зарослях лещины и орешника. Длина тела составляет более 1,5 м. Кабан может весить 250 кг и даже (на Дальнем Востоке) 300 кг. У них ужасные клыки, особенно нижние. Клыки достигают 24-25 см в длину и изогнуты полукругом. Кабаны прекрасно слышат и обладают прекрасным обонянием, но видят они сравнительно плохо. Весной и летом суточный ход кабанов не превышает 5-6 км, осенью он достигает 12 км, зимой глубокий снег затрудняет дальние походы, и кабаны проходят от нескольких сотен метров до 3-4 км. Летом кабаны выходят на кормежку перед закатом и кормятся до рассвета. С осени они выходят на кормежку раньше - днем, а зимой ночуют в берлогах, днем - на кормежке.

В апреле появляются 4-6 поросят, иногда даже 10-12. Они ещё неделю сидят в берлоге, тесно прижавшись друг к другу. На второй неделе самка начинает выводить поросят на прогулку. В природе кабан живет 10-12 лет, в неволе он может прожить и 20 лет.

4,6(96 оценок)
The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like appearance and the patches of color on its fur. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones and its distinctive coat patterns. It stands 5–6 m (16–20 ft) tall and has an average weight of 1,600 kg (3,500 lb) for males and 830 kg (1,800 lb) for females. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The 9 subspecies are distinguished by their coat patterns.

The giraffe's scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannas, grasslands, and open woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions, and calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted hyenas and wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish social hierarchies through "necking", which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.

The giraffe has intrigued various cultures, both ancient and modern, for its peculiar appearance, and has often been featured in paintings, books and cartoons. It is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Least Concern, but has been extirpated from many parts of its former range, and some subspecies are classified as Endangered. Nevertheless, giraffes are still found in numerous national parks and game reserves.
4,6(27 оценок)
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