Fill in - заполнить/вписать - Write what is necessary Find out - обнаружить - Discover Make up - накраситься - Seem fine Look out for - заботиться/приглядывать - Look through - просматривать - Try to find Think of - думать о - Seriously consider Get on - надевать - Get dressed Turn out - получаться - Turn off - выключать - To get on with - ладить - To be in good relation with teachers To look for - ожидать/подыскивать - Try to find To put on - использовать - To come up with - придумать - Invent Put in - вложить Think over - обсуждать - Explain in details Go into - пойти в Turn up - подвернется - Turn on - включить - To get up - встать/проснуться - To get out of bed To get out for - куда-то выбраться -
They say (we are said) you have lived here all your life. There are less people here than there. He's jealous of us. Fishes pulled out freeze fast. He works hard. If you helped him, he would be happier. A person smiling every day lives longer. Don't worry, they got this. Our works will have been checked by 5 o'clock. If they didn't fail the exam, they wouldn't be expelled. Why weren't they trying? What were they thinking about? It's easy to work when you understand why. The president knows about the catastrophe. How many people survived? Where are they? They say (we are said) he has been there several times. They inform (we are informed) they rarely practice. Have the presents been brought? Where are they? She is more patient than me.
Глагол в повелительном наклонении выражает побуждение к действию в виде приказания, предложения, совета, предостережения и т.п.
Утвердительная форма повелительного наклонения совпадает по форме с инфинитивом без частицы to (словарная форма):
to go идтиto stop останавливатьсяto read читатьto translate переводитьto speak говоритьGo! Иди(те)!Stop! Стой(те)!Read! Читай(те)!Translate! Переводи(те!Speak! Говори(те)!