Люси: Доброе утро, Билл. Где Тони и Стив?
Билл: Они катаются на паруснике с их отцом. Ты будешь завтракать со мной?
Люси: Да, конечно! Какие у тебя планы на сегодня?
Билл: Ну, это трудно. Я так много выбрал (спланировал) тут. Что насчет тебя?
Люси: Я думаю я буду пробовать подводное плавание с моим папой.
Билл: Звучит хорошо\весело. Я думаю я попробую кататься на водных лыжах. Потом я,наверное, пойду плавать с моими родителя сегодня после полудня. Ты хочешь прийти?
Люси: Я бы хотела не идти. Я думаю, что устану после подводного плавания!
Билл: Не волнуйся! Я поплаваю и ты сможешь позагорать!
Люси: О, Хорошо.
Подробнее - на -
We use ―there is (are)‖ constructions talking about the existence or absence of people or things
in a definite place. These constructions have the meaning «есть, имеется, находится,
существует». The verb ―to be‖ in such constructions can be used in different tense forms: there
is/are, there was/were, there will be, there has/have been, there had been. The verb ―to be‖ in
such constructions can be used with modal verbs (can, may, must, ought to): There must be a
dictionary on the shelf. We can also use some other verbs after ―there‖ – to live, to exist, to
stand, to lie, etc.: There exist different opinions on the problem.
In ―there is (are)‖ constructions we observe the following word order:
―there is (are)‖+subject+adverbial modifier of time/place.
The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers: There is a telephone in my
room. – В моей комнате есть (имеется) телефон. See the difference: The telephone is in my
room. – Телефон в моей комнате.
If the subjects are of different number the predicate agrees with the subject that stands first:
There is a table and six chairs in the room. There were some books and a dictionary on the desk.
Commentary: ―There are plenty of books on the bookshelves in her study‖ is a sentence with the
introductory ― there‖ which is used to point out the existence of some things in a definite place,
the subject of the sentence is expressed by a countable noun in plural.
―There isn‘t any soup in the plate‖ ‖ is a sentence with the introductory ― there‖ which is used to
point out the absence of something in a def
I'm glad you have some time for reading my announcement. As you, guys, know,I came from Russia and I want to organize a traditional Russian party. you will be able totake part in national Russian games and you may try some delicious Russian food as well. If you don't like Russian food, don't worry, I have some french fries for you, so you definetely won't be hungry. After having a meal will play some games such as hide-and-seek and monopoly, but we'll do it in most Russian way possible. After it we'll go to play bowling to the shopping center nearby.
I'd like to see every single one at my party. Let's make it the most loud and best patry ever.
See you all in my house 15.12.2016 at 17.00