. I believe that the ideal tourist always takes with him a visa. And the passport. He always fills the customs declaration. It performs all that is written in the contract with the travel agency. He behaves like a gentleman. He does not smoke in public places. He knows the language of the country visited. It is no embarrassment to the locals. He knows the heart of the tourist guide. He respects other cultures. If he has a problem, he turns to his travel agent. He wisely spent water and electricity at the hotel.
Summary. Time Machine can send a man to the past. Today hunting dinosaurs. But all furnished very difficult. Should kill that dinosaur that without them must die in a minute . Safari paved trail that hovers in the air , does not apply to a single tree , a flower, a blade of grass . Go to the trails can not be under any usloviyah.Provodnik explains MTO crushing mouse disrupt the entire chain of life in a million years to change the history of mankind .Eckels , who paid for the trip into the past , afraid of the dinosaurs and , going into a time machine , went off the trail .Returning to the ground , travelers found that Eckels stamped butterfly. Life has changed in the state ( the president came to power , which yesterday lost the election . ) Sound of Thunder .
History Almetyevsk Polytechnic school began in 1964 with the branch of Kazan construction technical school, opened in Almetyevsk on the initiative of the combine "Dalneftetrans and city guides. In 1966 the branch transformed into the technical College of gas PROMYShLENNOSTI 1972, the College was renamed in Stroitelny 1993, he receives the status politehnicheskogo 1995 in its composition joins the staff and students of the oil College, which was considered one of the best educational institutions of Russia and Tatarstan, and trained technicians for the oil otrasli 2007 a group of teachers headed Bagmanov I.R. , a graduate of the College, specialty " Construction machinery and equipment". During the work of the young Director showed himself a talented and capable leader with great erudition with comprehensive knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, Economics and management education.