Макдональдс очень популярен среди людей. Это очень вкусно но и очень вредно.У людей не так много денег чтобы питаться вредными продуктами.В меню Макдональдса содержатся нездоровые продукты:гамбургеры, чизбургеры и многое другое. Это еда с низким содержанием витаминов. А так же в меню Макдональдса немного фруктов и овощей,но и то не понятно полезные ли эти продукты,зато очень много сладких вещей.Оно плохо влияет на здоровье людей. Чтобы не платить за такую еду можно поесть фруктов и овощей, они будут гораздо полезнее. ♥
The Harm Of Smoking The problem of smoking is very acute in modern society. You can see lots of men, women and even teenagers smoking in the streets. It is, of course, the shortest way to bad health. There are many other harmful waste gases in the air nowadays. They come from industrial or automobile manufacturing. However, smoking is the worst of all fumes. Even if we don’t smoke ourselves but simply inhale these fumes from other smokers’ cigarettes, it is harmful. Those who don’t smoke but sit next to smoking people are called passive smokers. In the past few years measures have been taken to reduce smoking. In a number of countries the anti-smoking campaigns were launched. As a result smoking was banned in public places in some cities. Our country is also on its way to struggling with smoking. Not a long time ago a new law was introduced that all restaurants should have separate areas for non-smokers. Many schools run a series of lectures on the harm of smoking and it has a positive effect on children. Modern teenagers are told about the sad outcomes of smoking. Apart from breathing problems and bad smell, smoking leads to heart attacks and strokes at an early age. Other than that many people suffered from cancer because of smoking. Appearance also suffers: the teeth become yellow, the skin and hair look unhealthy and pale, the immune system become weak. The harm of cigarettes for women should be especially highlighted. They give birth to children and it’s difficult to have a healthy child being a smoker. Above all, cigarettes are costly and they worsen the personal budget. As you can see, there are no advantages of smoking at all, only harm and danger
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living room
living room