1. A: Have you seen Jack at all today?
B: Yes, he left about ten minutes ago
2. A: When was the last time there was an earthquake in the city?
B: There hasn't been one since 1990
3. A: John hasn't packed his suitcase yet
B: He should hurry up. His flight is leaving soon
4. A: Jane has spent all summer at an eco-camp
B: That's nice. I hope she's having fun
5. A: We have never experienced an earthquake
B: I have. It's very frightening
6. A: Lisa has lived in Haiti since 1999
B: I know. I haven't seen her since she moved
7. A: Have they rescued any trapped people yet?
B: Yes, they have saved six people so far
8. A: Have you ever volunteered for a charity?
B: No, but I'd like to
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