do - did - done
think - thought - thought
make - made - made
live - lived - lived
do - did- done
eat - ate - eaten
dance - danced - danced
hit - hit - hit
take - took - taken
Task 2.
Past Simple: He asked a question. She spoke Germany. They were in their room. They didn't drive the car. Alex didn't forget his homework.
Present Perfect: He has asked a question. She has spoken Germany. They have been in their room. They haven't driven the car. Alex hasn't forgotten his homework.
Task 3.
Past Simple: Did you finish homework? Did Kate kiss Mark? Did waiter bring the juice? Did he pay the bill? Did you write a song?
Present Perfect: Have you finished your homework? Has Kate kissed Mark? Has waiter brought the juice? Has he payed the bill? Have you ever written a song?
All animals living near us are called domestic. People keep, feed and take care of them. They live in special premises, such as aviaries, chicken coops, stables or cattle yards.
Domestic animals give us meat, wool and milk. They can share a house with a man in his dwelling. Among such home pets are parrots, cats, dogs, fishes and even snakes. They are caged in or live in terrariums and aquariums.
Lions, tigers, bears, wolves, foxes and many others are related to predators. Their essential meal is animals. They have a hunt and kill their prey. But some of flesh-eaters, for example, griffons and hyenas eat dead animals. Predators are body-snatches of natural ecosystems.
Weed-eaters prefer only plant food. They are kangaroos, sloths, koalas, giant tortoises and others. Some animals can change their habits becoming omnivorous.
Домашние животные
Все животные, живущие рядом с нами, называются домашними. Человек содержит их, кормит и заботится. Их содержат в специальных помещениях: вольерах, курятниках, конюшнях или скотных дворах.
Домашние животные дают нам мясо, шерсть и молоко. Они могут жить и вместе с человеком в его жилище. К таким домашним любимцам относятся попугаи, кошки, собаки, рыбки и даже змеи. Их содержат в клетках, террариумах или аквариумах.
К хищникам относятся львы, тигры, медведи, волки, лисицы и многие другие. Основная их пища – животные. Хищники охотятся, убивая свою добычу. Но некоторые, например, грифы и гиены, питаются мёртвыми животными. Хищники – санитары природных экосистем нашей планеты.
Травоядные животные питаются исключительно растительной пищей. К ним относятся кенгуру, ленивцы, коалы, наземные черепахи и т.д. Некоторые животные могут менять свои привычки, становясь всеядными.