To, Veronika Gorlova, 234 Kingston Avenue, New Yourk. USA 25th January, 2016 Dear Zlata, Thanks for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. You asked me to tell you about the way I celebrated the New Year. Well, it was a lot of fun. I went with my friends to my house, we celebrated until six o'clock in the morning. By the way, how do you celebrate this wonderful holiday? I hope to receive an answer in the next letter. Unfortunately, I'd better go now as I've got loads of homework to do. Take care and keep in touch! All the best, Veronika.
Uncountable nouns - are pouring, loose, names of sports, names of school subjects, science, abstract concepts and words with suffixes ness, th, tion, ship, ssion.
For example: news, economy, business, mail, information, hair, paste, freedom, traffic, childhood, snow, peace, work, ice, light, oil, luxury, friendship, behaviour, money, sugar, furniture, honey, weather, luggage, china, rice, sand, grass, glass, baggage, jewellery, permission, paint, cash, blood, meat, butter, bread, wealth, anger, travel, hope, gold, silver, soup, soap, chalk, fame = glory, fruit, dirt, food, coal, ink, cotton, gas, jam, patience, harm, cheese, advice, flu, progress, charity, knowledge, help, sadness, courage, luck, amusement, flour, music, cloth, dust, draughts, paradise, paper, pepper, love, fog, joy, rubbish = trush, mustard, porridge, mutton, linen, compote, rest...
All uncountable nouns are only in the singular, so we don't put the article a, an before them.
All uncountable nouns can be replaced with the pronoun it.
a) is he?
2. He went to school yesterday,
a) didn't he?
3. Let's do this work together,
c) shall we?
4. She will be happy to see her friend,
c) won't she?
5. Everybody is satisfied with his work,
d) aren't they ?
6. There are many puppils in the classroom,
b) aren't there?
7. Read the text again,
b) will you?
8. Don't touch the wire,
b) will you?
9. Everything is ready for the competition,
a) isn't it?
10. I'm tired,
b) aren't I?