Get out of bed early because "the early bird catches the worm." Do not give in on this bait! I saw a guy who took the saying seriously and got up at the dawn; he was bitten by a horse" - said Mark Twain . He meant this saying should not be taken too seriously. Everybody has the right to a good dream. The length of sleeping depends on your day-routine. Of course, if you wake up early, you have time to do more things. The main thing not to sit still and waste time. "If you have nothing to do the whole day, you are an idler!"
1) Do you go to the sea-side last summer? Надо "Did', а не "Do" 2) Yes, I did. I go to the Black Sea. Надо "went", а не "go" 3) Does you go there with your parents or friends? Тут надо не "Does", a "Do" 4) I went there with my mom. And what about you, Tom. Where did you spent your summer? Надо не "spent", а "spend" 5) I am in the country. I was there with my Granny and my brother Mike. We had a lovely time. We went swimming, fishing and riding our bicycles. I think I go there again next summer. А тут либо надо в начале вместо "am" поставить "was". Или в конце написать "I think I will go ..."