1.got/had started
3.saw/ was crossing
4.had been painting/ came
5.was lying/was weeding
6.bought/had been looking
8.was dusting/ broke
9.had never been
10.were studying/ went
11.didn't ring/ was
12.had been working/ went
13.weren't sleeping/ returned
14.when did they visit
15.was writing
16.didn't pay/didn't pay
17.went/was shining/ was
18.had never seen
20.had bee waiting/ appeared
21.were rollerblading/ phoned
23.did you spend
24.were sitting/ heard
25.had packed
26.had been sunbathing/ started
Дерево-старец считает, что причиной всему его огромный рост и, конечно, же преклонный возраст.
И вот, в очередной канун Рождества, так и не дождавшись своего часа, он впадает в крайнее уныние и жалуется всем лесным обитателям – белкам, птицам, оленям на свою бестолковую судьбу. Дерево уверено, что жизнь прожита даром и что впереди его уже не ждет ничего стоящего. В такой подавленном состоянии ель засыпает.
Когда же дерево просыпается…. Происходит рождественское чудо!
The touching story of the old spruce, who all his life stood in the forest, met a lot of Christmases there, but it was not selected as a Christmas tree.
Wood-aged man believes that the cause of its tremendous growth and, of course, old age.
And here, once on Christmas eve, and not waiting in the wings, he falls into utter despair and complains all the forest inhabitants – squirrels, birds, deer on their stupid destiny. Wood believes that life is lived in vain, and that in front of him is not waiting for anything worthwhile. In such a depressed state El falls asleep.
When the tree wakes up Happens a Christmas miracle!