Mushroom cream soup — грибной суп-пюре
Chicken broth — куриный бульон
Fish soup — рыбный суп
Miso soup — мисо-суп
Vegetable soup — овощной суп
Goulash soup — суп-гуляш
Caesar salad (with shrimp, chicken, salmon) — салат Цезарь (с креветками, курицей, семгой)
Greek salad — Греческий салат
Prawn cocktail — салат-коктейль из креветок
Garden fresh salad — салат из свежих овощей
Platter (cheese, fruit, fish, meat) — тарелка-ассорти (сырная, фруктовая, рыбная, мясная)
Carpaccio from beef tenderloin — карпаччо из сырой говяжьей вырезки
Seafood pasta — паста с морепродуктами
Tiramisu — Тирамису
Homemade apple tart — домашний яблочный пирог
Cherry pie — вишневый пирог
Chocolate brownie — шоколадный брауни
Ice-cream — мороженое
Vanilla pudding — ванильный пудинг
Coffee — кофе
Americano — американо
Cappucino — капучино
Latte — латте
Cocoa — какао
Still water — вода без газа
Sparkling water — вода с газом
Juice — сок
Milkshake — молочный коктейль
Lemonade — лимонад
Wine — вино
Semi-sweet wine — полусладкое вино
Semi-dry wine — полусухое вино
Sparkling wine — игристое вино
Robin Hood
It is generally believed that Robin Hood was a man who fought for better life of poor people. How old story about Robin Hood is nobody knows. The oldest ballads about him were written down after 1400. One of the ballads that comes from those distant times says that Robin Hood was a Yorkshireman. The balled says: "For he was a good outlaw And Did poor much much good." Did such Robin ever live? His name is first mentioned in Government documents of 13th century. So one can be sure that Robin Hood did live and was something like a man described in these early ballads. Нe became such a роpular hero that in many places there was The special Robin Hоod's day, attended by thousands of реople. In 16th сentury writer Anthony Munday decided to make a nobleman out оf Robin. Perhaрs they thought that it was too dangerous for оrdinary pеоple to think that оrdinary men could be heroеs who tried to do "роor men much good."