The Moscow Kremlin was built in 1482 - 1495
Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon are symbols of the Moscow Kremlin.
The historical center of the Kremlin is represented by Cathedral Square with three cathedrals - Assumption, Arkhangelsk and Blagoveshchensky. In the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, the tsars were crowned kingdom, the next head of the Russian church was elected, and in the tombs of the church they found eternal rest of the relics of Moscow saints. The Archangel Cathedral, from 1340 until the 18th century, served as the burial place of Moscow princes and tsars. The Annunciation Cathedral was the personal prayer house of the Moscow princes.The cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin since the Middle Ages and for several centuries served as a place in which the most solemn events in the life of the country and its capital were celebrated: both churchly and secular, both joyful and sad. In 1991, the Kremlin became the residence of the President of Russia. The Moscow Kremlin in 1990 is included with the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 1991, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Moscow Kremlin.
In 1485-1516, the construction of the Kremlin walls was led by Italian architects Anton Fryazin, Marco Fryazin, P. A. Solari and Aleviz Fryazin Stary. In 1866-1870, the restoration of the walls and towers of the Kremlin was carried out by architects N. A. Shokhin, P. A. Gerasimov, F. F. Richter.
One of the most famous museums - the Armory - a treasury museum where the symbol of the Russian autocracy is stored - the cap of Monomakh, the crown of Anna Ioannovna, the power and scepter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the throne chair of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the coronation dress of Catherine I and others royal dresses, regalia. gifts, souvenirs given to royal persons and from royal persons.
1-b (studies) Мария учит английский каждый день. Present Indefinite
2-a (didn’t go)Я никуда не выходил вчера вечером(ночью). Я был слишком уставшим. Past Indefinite
3-d (I visit) Я иду к врачу после школы поэтому не смогу играть с тобой в теннис. Present Indefinite
5-c (does your uncle live) Где живет твой дядя? «В деревне рядом с Лондоном» Present Indefinite
6-a (is taking) Сейчас медсестра ухаживает за пациентом Present Continuous
7-b (have already finished) Мы уже закончили проект, можем вам его представить. Present perfect
8-d (will have) Завтра у моих друзей будет практика в стоматологической поликлинике. Future Indefinite
9-b (like) Я не люблю боевики, но мне нравятся любовные истории. Present Indefinite
10-c (was waiting) Мой друг ожидал меня когда я прибыл. Past Continuous
11-a (took) Лайза ответила мне вчера, когда я позвонил ей. Past Indefinite
12-a (will have cooked) Завтра в 2 часа я приготовлю обед. Future Perfect