New Year I celebrate on the first of January. Every time I prepare for New Year. It`s pretty awful. I decorate New Year`s spruce with beautiful toys. Toys were makes our hands are especially beautiful.
My younger for other cut many paper snowflakes and we hand them in our flat together. I make or buy different presents for my friends and family and relatives. I`m fond of to be given presents.
Especially, I enjoy many sweets. Also I like to make holiday dishes. I can`t cook very well, but I always help my mum to cook a holiday dishes, that`s why I know how to cook certain thing`s. I can make "Herring under fur" and another salad called "The cheese paradise" and some other salads, for example. For this holiday we usually do several salads and sometimes we
Have a roasted chicken, too. Once more, I when my mother does my favourite cake "Miracle".
At 11:30 we seat at the table and talk. At the midnight we listen to the rings of the clock and to the congratulatory speech of the president. Then we drink the champagne and eat delicious dishes. Further we exchange presents which we make for each other. On the eve of morning we go to bed. New Year is the most magic holiday that`s why I like it.
Перевод вопросов:
1. Жила ли коричневая мышь в городе?
2. Нравилось ли коричневой мышке жить в селе(деревне)?
3. Что находилось возле домика(коттеджа)?
4. Носила ли городская мышь роскошную, красивую одежду?
5. Что мыши ели на ужин?
6. Понравился ли городской мышке ужин?
7. Хотелось ли городской мышке жить в селе(деревне)?
8. Жила ли городская мышь в большом доме?
9. Как мышки добрались до дома?
10. Хотели ли мыши есть?
11. Что находилось на столе в столовой(комната для обедов)?
12. Стояла ли вода на столе?
13. Кто зашел в комнату?
14. Что мужчина взял со стола?
15. Почему деревенская мышь не могла есть?