2. rescued the crew equal rights threatened to World War II was shot political career good-looking and rich rushed to hospital be from honoured put a man on the moon
3.1. two years and ten months 2. He was commander of a boat during World War II. He became a war hero and was honored because he was rescued by the Japanese airplanes. 3. In the 1940s Kennedy's political career began. He became a member of the House of Representatives and later a Senator in his home state of Massachusetts. 4. People liked him because he was good-looking and rich 5. He helped African Americans in their fight for equal rights. He also sent US advisors to Vietnam because of Communists threatened to take control of it. JFK promised to put on man on the moon before the Soviets. 6. On November 22, 1963 JFK's presidency ended when he rode in his open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas.
Representatives of the genus are low herbaceous plants with simple or double-peristorassečënnymi leaves, composed of many thin fractions [5]. Inflorescence a complex — hemispherical with a diameter of 4 baskets — 20 mm combined in shchitkovidnoe an inflorescence. In basket flowers are of two types: disk space are yellow, tubular flowers are Monoecious, with edge-white ligulate pestichnye (occasionally there are baskets only with tubular flowers). Receptacle is hollow, often conical [7]. The fruit is an achene with three or four thin ribs, with barely noticeable tufted (sometimes without) [7]. Smell a faint, very distinctive. Be pollinated by the following wasps, bees less often. Chamomile flower starts early, her beautiful white-yellow flowers commonly found in March-April, and in warmer areas even in February.