Kazakhstan is a country in which there are 2 launch site: Baikonur in interplanetary and intergalactic - in the Chui valleyThe geographical positionKazakhstan is located at the crossroads of two continents - Europe and Asia, between 45 and 87 degrees of East longitude, 40 and 55 degrees North latitude. The geographical center of the European-Asian subcontinent is in Kazakhstan (at the intersection of 78 Meridian with 50 parallel) . Kazakhstan occupies a square equal to 2724,9 thousand sq km (1048,3 thousand square miles) and lies East of the Caspian sea and Volga plains to the mountainous Altay and from the foothills of Tien Shan in the South and Southeast to the Western Siberian lowland in the North. Перевод: Казахстан-это страна, в которой есть 2 космодрома: Байконур в межпланетных и межгалактических - в Чуйской долине географическое положение Казахстан расположен на стыке двух континентов - Европы и Азии, между 45 и 87 градусами восточной долготы, 40 и 55 градусами северной широты. Географический центр европейско-Азиатского субконтинента находится в Казахстане (на пересечении 78 меридиана с 50 параллелью) . Казахстан занимает площадь, равную 2724,9 тыс. кв. км. (1048,3 тыс. кв. миль) и расположен к востоку от Каспийского моря и приволжских равнин до Горного Алтая от предгорий Тянь-Шаня на юге и юго-востоке до Западно-Сибирской низменности на севере.
Past Simple. 1.I saw a movie yesterday. 2.Last year I travelled to Japan. 3.Did you have dinner last night? 4.She washed her car. 5.I finished work,went to the beach and found a nice place to swim 6.He arrived to the airport at 18:00 7.I lived in Brazil for 2 years 8.They didn't stay at the party for the entire time. 9.I studied French when I was a child. 10.Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid? 11.Elsa was very shy as a child. 12.I cooked a pie in our new oven. 13.Did you go to the school yesterday? 14.They were so talkative at the meeting 15.I paid her for that information Present Simple 1.I wash my hands every day 2.Do you usually play the piano? 3.How much does it cost? 4.She doesn't play tennis 5.He never forgets his wallet 6.My father always gives me the change 7.Every 12 months the Earth circles the Sun 8.Cats like milk very much 9.London is the capital of the UK 10.New York isn't a small city 11.Birds go to the south every winter 12.The train leaves at 6:30 13.He needs help with his homework 14.My pencil case is pink 15. Kathrin's mother doesn't work Future Simple 1.I will go for a walk tomorrow 2.Will you help him later? 3.I will look at this photo 4.You will join us 5.Will you do it for me? 6.I won’t listen to him 7.He will not take this offer 8.Next month I will be twenty five. 9.They will be at home. 10.He will come in two days. 11.Sam will read the book next week. 12.They won't return here. 13.I will come back next Sunday 14.The nights will become colder soon 15.I don't think he will pass the exam Present Cont. 1.We are travelling now 2.I'm going home 3.Is she reading a book? 4.We are going for a walk 5.I am listening to music now 6.You’re saying very kind words 7.He is playing football 8.What are they cooking now? 9.Is he sleeping? 10.Are you working?
On her soul boath groanth and grieves
I love this country we love everything together
I love this country