1. Я вчора ходила до магазину за хлібом
2. Я вчора купила в магазині банку сольних огірків
3. Ми з моїм другом ходили до магазину за шоколадками
4. Я вчора ходила до магазину встроюватись на роботу
5. Я вчора відкрила пляшку води в магазині , а потім купила її
6. Вчора коли я прийшов до магазину я зрозумів що забув кошинькові гроші вдома
7. Я вчора ходила до магазину і там була виличезна черга
8. Коли я вчора пішла до магазину я побачила свого знайомого
9. Вчора я познайомилась з моїм новим знайомим в магазині
10. я дуже хотіла молока, і мама відправила мене в магазин
1. While I was looking for my keys, I suddenly remembered I had left them at home.
2. In those days the unions used to go on strike whenever there was a problem.
3. After they were had bought the company, they started to make a lot of people redundant.
4. Jack used to have a Mac, but then changed to a PC.
5. I asked about my package in reception, but they said that it still hadn’t arrived.
6. I was sure that I had locked the door to my office last night, but it was open this morning.
7. I’m sure that the winters used to be colder when I was a child. I remember that we were walking to school in the snow every winter.
8. I went back to the restaurant to look for my umbrella, but found that someone had taken it.
9. When George saw Diane at the seminar, he knew that he had met her somewhere before.
10. While I was having breakfast I looked at the financial pages to see the share prices. I saw that my original investment had grown by over 40%.